I would like to thank John King for forcing this system upon me. My job has never been easier. In fact a high functioning ape could now
probably do my job.... Brian De Vale, NYC Principal
It doesn't get any better.
From: De Vale Brian
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2013 7:24 PM
To: Logan Ernest (SCA); mmulgrew@uft.org; Suransky Shael
Subject: I am Daniel -San
I think the entire New Teacher Evaluation System is a disgrace. It
strips principals of our ability to write proper, professional observations and I believe it was more about the money paid to the
people who made the software and system than it ever was about education.
Nobody involved in the development of this system commands an iota of respect from veteran classroom and school based educators.
That said, as the positive upbeat and God fearing Christian man that I
am, I would like to thank John King for forcing this system upon me.
My job has never been easier. In fact a high functioning ape could now
probably do my job. I perform several daily observations performed via
the "short frequent cycles of observation" technique.... I take "low
inference notes" and then align what is there with the rubric in the
Danielson book.
No high order thinking required. This system is a disgrace and has
nothing to do with anything I learned in my studies nor decades of
superior service. (Please note that this is not MY ego run amok but rather the 7 Straight
A's that We received on Their soon to be done away with report cads
that none of us believe in).
I have done my observations so
efficiently that I can quote certain Danielson realms and domains by
heart, without believing a word...so I am now " reflecting" to let you
know I have played the game.
I have become Daniel-San (wax on wax off).
I looked upon my Advance reports and old Johnny Cash would have been proud as all I saw was Forty Shades of Green. Yes that is right, every teacher has been observed 3 informal and one formal, Pre and post evaluation conferences completed, IPC and artifacts
submitted. Screen turns green with each completed observation and now
we are done....And everyone was rated the equivalent of SATISFACTORY
under the old system.. I'm done!!!
Mambo anyone?????
And guess where the beauty lies? None of this was ever necessary.
However, now that my official ratings are in, I can focus on the fun
stuff that makes a school special.
Earlier today I watched our fifth
grade ballroom Dance Celebration. Tomorrow
I will talk about Mandela again with another class. Next week I will
attend our Christmas Show, an annual tradition before our Classroom
Christmas parties and then visit classrooms playing carols as part of our parrandas!!!
"It's a Wonderful Life"!!!!
These political hacks fail to realize that while they seek to lower the
taxes of billionaires that is is school leaders like me who have fired
veteran teachers who were no good or just burned out, have counseled
out newcomers who just didn't have what it takes because TEACHING is
simply the hardest profession in the world and THE MOST IMPORTANT PART
We have unfortunately seen a decade of folks who
ran from the classroom after a year in many cases, take charge and make
ridiculous demands of school based educators, and the results have
been a disaster.
Anyway, I have played their game, and my staff and students have won. Now we can all focus on real teaching ad learning.
As Sam Wainright said:
Merry Christmas and Hee Haw!!!!!!
Brian has done a beautiful job of getting to the heart of the matter. Perhaps we should suggest to Mayor Bill that he should sit down with Brian instead of his so called education advisors before he selects what is sure to be another disaster for chancellor.