Ed Notes Extended

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The 14th floor is deserted....

... at 52 Broadway.

Your dues at work

50 members of the Unity steering committee are enjoying an all expenses paid trip to Philly for the NEA convention! Yes, that's NEA, not AFT. Well, you know, the NEA and AFT merged in NY State into NYSUT so they need 50 more YES votes.

Philly fans greet Unity leaders

It started last Saturday and ends this Saturday. Many UFT'ers are staying at the Sheraton. Anyone out there with a video camera? You can have lots of fun visiting the Philly hot spots after 12 noon any day - the zoo, baseball, the track, Reading market, shopping - and don't forget the bars at night.

While in Philly, Unity Caucus will adopt the crack in the Liberty Bell as a metaphor for their leadership of the UFT


  1. Isn't there a way to get the mainstream press to look into the abuse of our union dues??? Why are we paying $1000 when we get nothing for it? No protection, no cost of living raises? NOTHING--just givebacks and perks for Randi's sycophants and butt kissers.


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