Ed Notes Extended

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Happy Birthday to Ya...

.... Education Notes Online - and Pippin and Pinky

Gathering around the watering hole to celebrate a 16th birthday on Labor Day.

Well, it's been about a year that this blog has been operating.
Give or take a few weeks.
320+ posts - diarrhea of the keyboard.
Inspired by the great blog by NYC Educator and his loyal readers.
One of the special things about NYC Educator is that he has the perspective of being a classroom teacher, so his commentary on the ed/political scene is so reality based.
Think I'm jealous?
Well, once in a while I think of doing some subbing just to get a real feel of what's going on.
For a retiree like me, it is easy to waste time blogging.
Take some time out – go to the gym, see a movie.
I admire NYC and other working teachers who blog because they are very busy people who still find time to share their thoughts with us.
The ednotes online blog is a reflection of the efforts of working teachers, people who should really be running the UFT instead of the bureaucrats from Unity Caucus.
Boy, if people like Pissed of Teacher or NYC or Reality based educator or 17 more years or Jeff Kaufman of ICE were in charge, BloomKlein would not be so hotsy totsy.
Check out the people on the links list to see what they are saying.

Coming soon: Ed Notes, ICE - An historical perspective


  1. It's nice to know that regardless of ill feelings that Unity might harbor towards you that Abe Ruda was kind enough to bring you a cake


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