Ed Notes Extended

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Randi's Question for Klein on Colbert Tonight

Brian Lehrer asked Randi for a question Colbert should ask. And it is...

"What is the funniest thing he ever did and who knows about it?"

Hmmmmmm. What does she know that we don't?

How would Klein respond?
"Got the UFT to allow the gutting of the contract and use it's own PR machine to try to make sure no one knows about it."

Add your own. Best response wins an all expense paid trip to the next UFT Delegate Assembly.


  1. How about these:

    1. Tell us about your experiences teaching in New York.
    2. How did you get a good looking and wealthy woman like Nicole Seligman to marry a meesekeit like you?
    3. Tell us what you know about the mysterious death of Vince Foster.
    4. How did you rig the NY1.com poll on your popularity?
    5. Now that Karl Rove stopped working for Bush will you get him to help you with future surveys
    and polls?
    6. How much is spent on salaries at Tweed?

  2. Joel,,Why do you suppose your tennis buddy Mort Zuckerman ( NY Daily News) allowed Erin Einhorn to undress you in front of the entire educational community with her exposition of DOE test scores??

    Match Point???

  3. Why, as a believer in the free market, did you leave your one and only career private sector job in such haste?

  4. Who's responsible for your dashing hair style?

  5. When you talk does Mike Bloomberg move his lips?

  6. Does the IBM $80 Million Aris Database have within it a quantifier for Tweed created BS

  7. Is there a specific person or persons who cranks out
    meaningless buzzwords at Tweed, or can I apply for the job?

  8. Have you and Wallace Shawn ever been seen in the same room together?

  9. Just a guess, what level of hell do you think I will place you in the future?

  10. Did you specifically choose to appear on the Colbert Report, Chancellor Klein, on Rosh Hashanah to offend the Jewish community and to also show that closing the schools on Rosh Hashanah is ridiculous since you, as a Jewish man, would rather appear on a lame cable tv show than meditate in a synagogue before God and start preparing for Yom Kippur to atone for you multitude of sins against the NYC community (teachers, students, parents, etc.)

  11. Did you ever think that as a goof you and your pal Chris Cerf should go to a Red Sox game dressed up in Yankee uniforms?

  12. Do you intend on renting a dumpster to haul your sins down to the East River on Yom Kippur? If so, maybe we can split the cost?

  13. That's funny Curt! Hey Joel what about the idea of insulting my poor polio stricken father and then putting on a Sox uniform and face on of my 100mph

  14. Do they still have Snapple vending machines at Tweed. How about the idea of placing ex-lax dispensers there too?

  15. Which New York High Society/Power Broker person or family do you like to suck up to the most? the Tisches, the Rubins, the Rockefeller's, Jack Welch ?

  16. Ha! Ha! the last laugh is on you. I'm just another media hack who can be bought off

  17. Just wait I've got plans for you too Colbert.


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