Ed Notes Extended

Sunday, September 2, 2007

We get letters....

You must be out of your goddamned mind.
Your job is not to tell us to cooperate with Klein's little Nazis from the Leadership School. Your job is to PROTECT us from them.

Unfortunately for teachers, you're a gutless, ass-kissing, overpaid sack of excrement. Mike Quill wouldn't piss on you if your heart was on fire and neither would I.

Sorry! That was meant for someone else. Must have accidentally ended up in my in-box. We sent out the Ed Notes crack investigative team and they came up with the answer to what triggered this diatribe. Read it here.


  1. With all due respect-if you have an abusive principal, tell us. Our job is to help teachers educate kids, and most want a professional environment
    where they work collaboratively and our treated with respect. That doesn't mean steamrolled-but even Mike Quill would have said that.

  2. This must be one of the purest and most honest examples of our FURY I've ever read.

  3. If we tell Randi about an abusive Principal, the UFT will do nothing unless it's for years and then they will take credit when the principal does something stupid and is removed for it. See Brooklyn Tech for example.

  4. Under Clinton the motto was "I feel your pain". Under the current regime it is "take the pain".

    I met with Randi that was her advice.

  5. Randi Weingarten organized the entire UFT staff in our struggle against the prototypical Academy Principal Jolanta Rohloff (Lafayette HS). Utilizing the grievance procedure, the media, and coupled with the UFT filing Improper Practice charges against Rohloff and the DOE, the union was the fulcrum in our struggle to oust Rohloff. Randi visited Lafayette in October and made it clear that Rohloff had to be removed. FIVE (5) Months later the DOE reassigned her.If a chapter faces an abusive principal/
    administration, they must be willing to fight and bring the fight against the DOE to the UFT, they will be arm in arm with the chapter members in their struggle.

    Rick Mangone CL Lafayette HS.

  6. Good work Rick. Rohloff was sent in to close Lafayette. People in the Leadership Academy even laughed when she was chosen and said it at the time -- that she was the perfect person to create the environment. And you guys fell right into it.

    Before she showed up the #1 priority was to keep the school open. They distracted you and got exactly what they wanted. But them again you ambitious Unity types would justify any idiocy from the leadership.

  7. Wrong AGAIN. The region supt at the time Michelle Fratti had to accept 6 academy principals going into the 05 school year. 4 were given elementary, and middle schools. The 3 high schools were FDR, Grady and Lafayette. The region wanted to place their own candidate into FDR. That left Rohloff and Jackson another academy winner for Grady and Lafayette. Jackson left after a year of controversy, Rohloff lasted until April 07. THE REGION PLACED HER AT LAFAYETTE, THEN KLEIN DUG HIS HEELS IN WHEN THE UFT CHAPTER AND RANDI BEGAN TO BE CRITICAL. Rohloff went off on the staff immediately, however, it took the opening of school in 06 when she changed hundreds of regents scores that things became untenable for the DOE. In Fact, the LISS wanted her removed that Sept, but, Klein objected. Check out the facts. Randi was tremendous in her support of the chapter. Rick

  8. So the chapter was successful by getting rid of the principal but now the school is being closed. It looks to me like you won a small battle but are losing rhe war for sure.

  9. To Ed Notes: I believe and acted in the best interests of my chapter. As you have stated, the administrations agenda is to close the large high schools and open small schools/charters. Nothing would have prevented that. However, I cannot describe or state how important it was for all staff that Rohloff be removed.I also cannot tell you how many U Ratings would have been given to teachers had she remained. In the grand scheme of this current administration we won as much as we could have, Klein dug in and it took all the resources I have mentioned to rid Lafayette of Rohloff.

    Rick Mangone CL Lafayett HS.


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