Ed Notes Extended

Sunday, October 7, 2007

High Stakes: How The Testing Craze Leaves NYC Children Behind





  1. Yawn...the idea behind Teachers Unite sounds good enough, but the fact that they would collaborate with ICE/TJC for a UFT teacher's "know your rights" campaign truly shows how half-cocked they are.

    Un-Norm-al, how'd you convince them to accept your false notion of self-importance? Did you get them drunk?

  2. Hey, A-Ron-i-mous

    How were you able to convince Randi to pay you to write such Un-Orig-Ron-Al crap

    And as for being half-cocked.......

  3. Because of Unity a-holes like you no one has any rights.

  4. anon 1:18
    You spent over 10 minutes reading this blog at 1:30 in the morning.
    And you visit it numerous times a day. You must get over this obsession. Who is un-norm-al?

  5. I love it! I will be there , and I am planning to stuff my car with as many newbies as I can.

  6. "anon 1:18
    You spent over 10 minutes reading this blog at 1:30 in the morning.
    And you visit it numerous times a day. You must get over this obsession. Who is un-norm-al?"

    So what's your point Un-Norm-al (yes, you are Un-Normal-al, Norman...I thought we already established that?)

    Thanks for pointing the above fact out. So if I'm so pathetic for visiting your blog, than what does that make you as it's author?

    BTW, you know my M.O., I'll be here to call you on your BS whenever it's preached (I thought we already established that too.)

  7. Hey, Herr-ron-i-muss Bush
    We know you're M.O. it's MO Money for Backstabbing
    And for anyone who's gotten close to you
    it's also B.O.

  8. Hey Anon Unity hack from 12:03

    Of course you are pathetic reading this blog. Hiding the fact that you work for the UFT behind anonymity. So you're exposing the "bullshit" for a reason. Plus the fact you expose nothing - not one valid thought, as we expect from UFT hacks - in any of your posts other than name calling.

    And note to Sal: This is not Ron the backstabber, who actually has a lot more class and brains than this character, who even people in the UFT consider a jerk. But hacks like this are necessary to the machine.

  9. Thanks for clearing that up Norm.

  10. my sincereapologies to Ron. Norm, write to me privately and I'll get the boys (Oisk, Duke, etc.) to take care of this unity eunuch

  11. This guy is 10 times the backstabber Ron is. Ron the BS actually has massive integrity compared to this slug. But we love it when he stops by and gives the few lonely readers of this blog a true insight of "The Goons (and R the BS is certainly not a goon - goony, maybe) of Unity."

    Hmmmm. "The Goons of Unity" - Maybe a movie.

  12. Un-Norm-al, so since I call BS on your BS, then I must be working for the union? Think again! Maybe you should have some facts before you spout your nonsense. That's not your deal though is it? Who needs facts, right Un-Norm-al? ICE/TJC can make up and fill in the pieces.

    And Salad the Barber, your thinly veiled physical threats are classy. Truly you are a credit to ICE/TJC.

  13. "Salad the Barber?" what borscht belt reject comic wrote that for you, Anonymous? Morty Gunty? Jack Carter? Knowing you and your M.O. It was probably Jack Coff. Not working for the union? Bet you'd wish you were?

  14. Who, who, and who? You would have been better off saying Carrot Top...wow, you ICE guys are really out of touch.

    No croutons for you tonight Salad! Ha!

  15. BTW, Salad the barber, do you think you could cut my head of lettuce? lol!


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