Ed Notes Extended

Friday, July 4, 2008

Schmidt on RICO Investigation of CTU and Substance Coverage of NEA

Substance is putting up reports from the NEA convention written by Jack Gerson of Oakland. Many people have met Jack over the years, and he needs no introduction from me. I think that for NEA there will be multiple sources of information, and that will be good for all of us.

So starting late tonight or early tomorrow, you'll be able to read Jack's reports from NEA at www.substancenews.net.

Then, beginning next Thursday, you can read our staff reports from AFT on the same site.

Thanks again to everyone who convinced AFT that it was a good idea to let Substance cover the AFT convention.

We just got work yesterday that the feds are conducting a RICO kind of investigation into the recent silliness inside the Chicago Teachers Union. While these factual realities make great grist for Antonucci, we've got to be careful how loudly we cheer. If AFT gets through the Chicago convention without some major blowup based on Chicago's local stupidities (that's a huge plural), it will be a miracle.

At least we got our press credentials for the Substance team coverage. Janet Bass asked that we try to be "complete" and "accurate" and I promised her that's what we intended from the beginning. Accuracy doesn't mean that we agree with what we're reporting, but merely that we will begin with the facts and double check the main ones. For example, that RICO fact I report in the first paragraph of this e-mail is well sourced. Anyone who cares about Randi and our strength as a union (factions aside) might let her know that's brewing here in the host city of the upcoming convention. She's going to have enough headaches running AFT without having to deal with Chicago's sandbox stupidities.

By tomorrow night, we should have out Web updates well in hand, testing he functions on our newly re-coded site (it should be about five times faster) the next couple of days with Jack Gerson's reports from Washington, D.C. and then providing daily coverage from July 10 through July 15 from and about AFT.

George N. Schmidt
Editor, Substance



  1. _________________________________
    Re: RICO Investigations

    "Coming Soon - To Your Friendly Neighborhood DOE 'Medical'Office?"

    When will there be a serious RICO Investigation regarding the very Organized System and legally conspiratorial apparatus the New York City Dept/Board of Education (Joel Klein, Esq., Chancellor by Special Waiver)has created for silencing Whistle-blowers and violating US Constitution protected rights, especially The First Amendment.

    For decades beyond counting the DOE has been employing its "Medical Office" to illegally and falsely claim that innocent teachers are "Medically unfit for Duty" and then using that knowingly false Claim to Railroad them off salary and thus effectively out of the system and out of their means of livelihood.

    Since my own victory two years ago over the DOE Medical Office (which required two years and tens of thousands of dollars expended)the renowned Forensic Psychiatrist and highly noted NYU Medical College Professor, Dr. Alberto M. Goldwaser, M.D., D.F.A.P.A., (Chairman of the Ethics Committee for Psychiatry) has appeared with targeted teachers at the DOE Med Office on numerous occasions, as a Witness, to prevent the "good doctors" at 65 Court Street from claiming yet another victim by violating the Hippocratic Oath.

    A UFT reporter,Jim Callaghan (as well as Betsy Combier of Parents.org) has written several stories in the NEW YORK TEACHER about teachers, who as recently as this past week, only prevented the DOE Med "doctors" from depriving them of their job, due to the presence of the nationally known Dr. Alberto M. Goldwaser.

    Yet the illegal Railroading and Medical malpractice continues unabated due to the unbounded Hubris of the NYC DOE and its surrogates in teacher cleansing- the DOE "Medical Office" not to mention, SCI and OSI.

    Sadly, the countless teachers (and UFT members) who receive letters unceremoniously summoning them to appear at the Medical Office often are not remotely aware that they are literally walking into an Official ambush, in fact a "set up".

    Yet this abomination continues month after month, year after year, decade after decade.

    See Amazon Books.com for substantiation of the above facts.

    "The Cannibals At 110 Livingston Street"

    Also the recent blockbuster expose:
    multi FIVE STAR Rated:

    "WHITE CHALK CRIME:The REAL Reason Schools Fail" by Chicago based education expert, Karen Horwitz,M Ed.
    David Pakter, M.A., M.F.A.
    Teacher of the Year

  2. __________________________________

    BTW- If perchance Jack Gerson should write and/or say anything seen or perceived as being overly harsh by those he writes about, will the whiners, lapdogs, lackeys and other assorted hacks and Education stooges, start shouting from the rooftops"

    "Substance abuse, Substance abuse".

    David Pakter

  3. I'm wondering why anyone anticipates headaches for Ms. Weingarten when she starts to run the AFT. Clearly, she considers it only a part-time job. And clearly, she considers running the UFT a part-time gig as well.

    Perhaps that explains why she gave so little long-term thought to her various and disastrous collaborations with Mayor Bloomberg. I have to wonder what she gave away for her most recent nebulous agreement regarding the rubber room.


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