Ed Notes Extended

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Joe Klein to visit Oz

Trevor Cobbold from down under sends us another example of how the Bloomberg/Klein/Rhee, etc. gang race all over the world to try to impose their failing vision of ed reform. It's not educational, mate, it's an ideological crusade.

Will Klein wash up to the Aussie shore like a Bondi cigar?


You will be interested to know that Joe Klein has been invited by the Aust. Govt Education Minister, Julia Gillard, to visit Autsralia in November.

Her idea is to use Klein to convince our State Govts. to sign up to a her proposed school reporting system to be based on the New York model.

This is going to provide a good opportunity for teacher unions and parent organisations to focus on the failings of the NY reporting system. I would appreciate it if you can forward any useful material or sources you or your colleagues have on the problems of the New York system.

I will keep you informed of developments on the visit.

Trevor Cobbold
Save Our Schools

OK, gang. Let's help Trevor out. No diatribes. Just the facts, ma'am, just the facts. Forget the "look what they did to the teachers" stories because the public not only doesn't care, but thinks teachers deserve it. Leave those fights for inside the sell-out UFT.

The fudging of test scores, the phony grad rates and the use of "seat time" to hand kids diplomas, the forced migration of kids from one closed school to the next, the high class sizes, the enormous sums spent outside the classroom, etc, etc, etc.

1 comment:

  1. the article refers to Klein as an "education expert", their first error. Now THAT'S funny!!!


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