Ed Notes Extended

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The next time it could be an economic shock: Naomi Klein

Keith Olbermann discusses "The Shock Doctrine" with Naomi Klein.

Video from Nov. 2007

Klein's thesis is that Milton Friedman's "fundamental capitalism" thesis can be best implemented in a "clean" slate environment. But people will resist. So there is a need for some kind of shock to get them to submit. It could be war, natural disaster, or economic meltdown - whoa there Nelly, sound familiar? Only a crisis produces real change. Democracy gets in the way.

Create a period of confusion, dislocation, regression. Politicians come forward playing the father figure and use that dislocation to push through policies in a state of emergency. The shock of 9/11 was used to privatize the military. Iraq is a perfect example of using shock and awe to privatize the entire country - drool, capitalists, drool. The uniform of a disaster capitalist - Brooks Brothers suit and army boots. Iraq was a corporate takeover with guns. It was looted, not reconstructed.

We should recognize signs of coming shock therapy and the next time there's a shock - AND IT COULD BE AN ECONOMIC SHOCK - she says in this Nov. 2007 interview. Which may explain some of the resistance to the bailout. Hmmm, the stock market drops 700 points and resisters are shocked. You see, ze bailout is good for you.

You can only play the same record a number of times before it gets badly scratched.

Thanks to Sean for the find.

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