Ed Notes Extended

Friday, October 17, 2008

UFT's Paul Egan Makes the Case...

...for the uselessness of the UFT

In opposing the ICE amendment to the term limits resolution, UFT District 11 (Bronx) rep Paul Egan made the astounding argument that if each individual in the room went home and called their city council rep that would have a greater impact than if the UFT as an organization took a stand and pressured the reps to deny Bloomberg another term of office. Even Weingarten seemed astounded and cut him off. Hey Paul, any chance for a dues refund?

The DA's provide so much material. I may take it all for tryout at Caroline's Comedy Club.

Note: Check the sidebar under the "UFT and Bloomberg Term Limits" for a running account of our posts on the subject.


  1. I think Egan is making a good point when he says that each individual member should be pro-active by calling their city council rep to express their support for term limits, and the will of the people.
    As a former "home school mom", (and some of you may say that's anti-public education), but I say this to make a point..we were able to preserve the home schooling movement which was not supported by the Democratic majority, because the sponsor of the bill to eliminate home schooling, George Miller, was receiving thousands of phone calls throughout the nation in support of parents having the right to home school their children. We defeated Miller's attempt to circumvent the "will of parents" by each and every phone call that was made to his. The same can be done here if every individual member made those phone calls.
    The UFT position is against term limits, however that is not everyones opinion. Each of us needs to voice ourselves as individual members, because if more of us did, we could not only change the union, but also the world.

  2. "Voicing" concerns. Yes that's the answer.

    I feel a lot better.


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