Ed Notes Extended

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Can the UFT Be Forced to Act on School Closings?

I guess wearing blue on Tuesday, as the UFT is urging, is just not going to be enough.

The UFT calls school closings a fait accompli.

We are all going to have to try to stop the insanity on our own.

ICE has been distrtibuting leaflets at the schools slated to close.
If you are at one of these schools contact us.

School closings and the ATR situation are obviously related.

The ASC-ICE (ATR/School Closing committee will be meeting on Wed. Feb. 28 at the Skylite Diner on 9th ave and 34 st at 5 PM. Open to all interested parties as we try to develop a strategy to force the UFT to act in our interests.

"Rain, hail, lightning, thunder, 72 won't go under."

There was a demo at PS/IS 72
in the East NY section of Brooklyn, 605 Shepherd Ave on Friday, Feb. 6. The UFT had an official - Bob Astrowsky - and a PR person to observe. ICE's John Lawhead covered it and took lots of pics of this spirated protest attended by City Councilman Charles Barron.

John reports:
Speakers condemned the destruction of the well-functioning school and declared that Chancellor Klein was "unqualified" to be their judge. Parent leaders are outraged by the erratic series of evaluations that have run from a "school in good standing" in 2007 to a grade D in 2008.

See more of John's great pictures at the ICE web site: http://www.ice-uft.org

Brandeis Protest: Tuesday, Feb. 10


The Brandeis High School Leadership Team strongly protests the Department of Education's decision to phase out our school. WE call on all Brandeis parents, students, teachers and staff to join us in a protest rally on 84th Street, Tuesday, February 10th at 4:30 pm. Together we will speak out to explain why we believe our school should remain open as a large comprehensive high school serving the needs of New York City students. Mayor Bloomberg, Save Our School!!
Resolution Adopted by the Brandeis SLT on February 5, 2009

Meet on 84th Street in front of Brandeis at 4:30 PM

Representatives of Brandeis Parents, Students, Teachers and Staff Will Speak Out On Why Brandeis High School Should Remain Open as A Large Comprehensive High School Serving New York City Students

MS 399X Protests DOE Closing Threat Thurs. Feb. 12
Blogger jd2718 has some comments and urges support.
Attend the Rally to
Save MS 399!!
February 12th at 5pm
In front of Middle School 399
120 East 184th Street
Middle School 399 is Working

MS 399 had a previous rally on Dec 17 -
MS399 Protest against closing/phase out designation
ICE's Angel Gonzalez made a video



  1. I work at a school that is closing in JUne only to reopen with 2 new smaller schools in September. The Union told us there is nothing to be done about it just get your resume in order. When the DOE arrived in November and spoke at a very poorly attended parent meeting(one notice sent home a week before meeting, no reminder, no Spanish version) we were told there would be parent involvement in forming the new school "themes"-BS. The Doe showed up in January presented what the school themes would be and then 2 weeks later who the Leaders would be (they are still in the Leadership Academy) There is no regard for students-parents-community-teachers. Our "Union" has sold us down the river. It is time for change. The number of ATRs will continue to grow until we are forced to retire/leave teaching.

  2. Time to organize an a movement within the UFT to force them to take real action, not phonny words.

    Join the ASC-ICE committee and attend the Feb. 28 meeting at the Skylite Diner on 34st St and 9th Ave.

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