Ed Notes Extended

Friday, March 27, 2009

An ATR Writes

(Another reason to attend the Mar. 28 conference at John Jay College on closed schools, atrs, high stakes testing and other pressing issues.)


Why can't Article 17 be utilized. Also, why is it that special education teachers with no general ed background are being forced to teach general ed classes and the UFT is doing nothing about it. Special Ed Teachers and General Ed teachers are not the same. I am a special ed teacher and it is not fair to me that for ten years I taught in my license with 12 students. Now I am being forced to teach 20 - 30 students at a time as well as other content area subjects that I am not trained in like gym, science, music, drama etc. This is not what I signed up for and I agree the DOE will not stop what they are doing until we (Teachers) get this out to the media. We have to expose what is being done to us because the UFT is not going to do it.

Why is the UFT turning a deaf ear to teachers complaints. Guidance Counselors that were displaced are placed in their titles, ESL Teachers are placed in their titles as well as speech teachers but why not special ed teachers. I have addressed this before with the UFT with no response.

See Marjorie Stamberg's report of the Mar. 23 UFT Exec. Bd meeting is at Norms' Notes. Attempts have been made and are still being made to create pressure on Micahel Mendel who has been placed in charge of the atr issue.

ATR Issue Brought to UFT Executive Board

1 comment:

  1. I am a Special Ed teacher and was asked to teach Spanish to my Special Ed students, even though I had no knowledge of the language. I was told not to worry and just follow along in the text book. Luckily, I was spared at the last minute.


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