Ed Notes Extended

Thursday, February 11, 2010

IS 302 Rallies in Cyprus Hills Feb. 11


Cypress Hills Advocates for Education: Low-performing I.S. 302 is on the rise and needs space to thrive. Charter school co-location will stop progress.

What: Several hundred parents from Cypress Hills and East New York, Brooklyn and City and State elected officials will gather at a press conference and DoE hearing to oppose the DoE’s proposal to co-locate a charter school, Achievement First, in I.S. 302.

I.S. 302 has hosted a K-8 school, PS89, for ten years, and that school will leave in September to move to its own building. I.S. 302 wants to use that space to reduce class size and expand its arts program. Over the past three years, I.S. 302 has gone from being one of the city’s lowest performing middle schools to a school on the rise:

Where: I.S. 302, 350 Linwood Street (between Atlantic and Liberty), Brooklyn

When: Thursday, February 11, 5pm press conference, 6pm DoE hearing

Who: Sponsored by Cypress Hills Advocates for Education

Media visuals: In press conference and public hearing, hundreds of parents and youth will present 1,000 petition postcards and testify about the direct effect that this co-location would have on student and school progress. Speakers will be available to speak to press in English and Spanish.

Julia Watt-Rosenfeld
Lead Education Organizer
Cypress Hills Advocates for Education
Future of Tomorrow

Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation

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