Ed Notes Extended

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Blow by Blow: Preliminary UFT Election Returns- Updated

Update: Sat, Apr. 10, 9am

Gotham has the results posted here. Thanks to Anna Philips for all her hard work.


Total sent 36,907
Ret 10,292 28%
Unity 7761 75.4%
New Action 978 9.5%
ICE 703 6.8%

Non slate 712

Ballots sent Returned %
53,560 24,978 46.6

Unity 20,744 83%
New Action 2,234 8.9%
ICE-TJC 1,037 4.2%

Non slate 867

2010 Prorated .72
Unity 14,934
New Action 1,608

The % is skewed because I am using the total returns and not subtracting the non-slate votes. Will recalculate another time.

Things have really slowed up. Here are functional totals:

Ballots sent out: 45,889
Ballots ret: 10,629 - 23.2% ret
ICE 708 6.7%
Unity 7337 69%
New Action 1175 11.1%

Non-slate: 1332

Middle School vote:

Total ballots-11,697
Returned -2,881 18.6%
Unity 1,981 68.8%
NA 421 14.6%
ICE-TJC 248 8.6%
Non-Slate - 207

High School vote:

Ballots sent: 19,931 Returned: 5203 26%
Unity 2595 49.9%
ICE-TJC 1369 26.3%
New Action 774 14.9%
Non-slate: 424 to be tabulated by individual vote

Prelim anal:
Unity vote up around 300, ICE down about 200, New Action up around 200 from 2007.
Looks like big endorsement of Mulgrew.

It's 11am and all we have are percentage of returns. I'm a novice excel user and my formulas may be off so take heed. Totals seem to indicate that around 30% voted all together including retirees which is not much more than last time. But the in schools the vote went up from 22% return to around 27%.

Ballots sent Returned %

Elementary (up from 24% on 07)

36,907 10,292 0.28%

Middle Schools (Up from 18.6% in 07
2010 11,697 2,881 0.20

High Schools (Up by over 700 - from 23% in 07
2010 19,931 5,203 0.30

Functional (Dropped to 20% from 21.4%
2010 45,889 10,629 0.20

Retirees (50% up from 44.7% in 07)- Only 18,000 count so figure around .7 a ballot.
2010 53,560 24,978 0.5

2010 167,984 53,983 0.30

Totals Elem+MS+HS
68,535 18,376


  1. Well Norm, I guess people still go for substance over style. Don't take it too hard. All those fancy sounding names (ICE, GEM, CORE, etc.) meant aboslutely zilch.

    Maybe next time you guys should form the DOPES...the Dregs of the Public Education System.

  2. Wow Norm, even New Action, who you constntly pick on here, kicked the crap out of ICE.

  3. I find this so hard to believe. Everything ICE/TJC says makes so much sense to building a better, stronger union and fighting for a better education for the children of our city. Unity only looks out for themselves, meaning those lackeys that constantly tell us the wonderful things they do for us and the great contracts (2005) they negotiated for us. Teachers are so apathetic.

  4. Hey--leave Norm alone! He can't win this all by himself. He is retired and enjoying his twilight years. It's not his fault ICE/TJC lacks any real candidates.

    Keep up the good fight Norman!


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