Ed Notes Extended

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What Are You Doing May 29th and June 4th?

COME TO THE GEM MEETING: Weds. May 26th, CUNY, 4:30 - 34th st and 5th ave. Bring id.

I hear a whole lot of griping going on. Over BloomKlein or the lack of action by the UFT. Or what action they do take is more PR than real. As the rise of CORE in Chicago shows, it is possible to start taking action at the grassroots level.

So even if it is only you, join this growing movement on June 4th by holding an informational picket. This is not the usual UFT one shot deal, but part of a building process within the school communities.

GET ACTIVATED! Troops are needed at the barricades. In the future we need people to go to school closing and charter co-location hearings. Speak. Take pictures. Write a report for the blogs. If you are waiting for the UFT to do something, you will be left at the station as the train pulls away. See the ICE blog for a report on the hypocrisy of the UFT at the PEP in Queens last week (UFT at PEP MEETING: OH THE IRONY.)

Also - come out to the picnic and sign-making on Saturday May 29th. Here is the announcement from NYCORE:

June 4th Eng

June 4th is going to be a day of protests at many schools around the city against the budget cuts and layoffs. Some school are picketing before or after school that day.

Others are giving out buttons and stickers to faculty, staff and families to wear in protest of the cuts and proposed layoffs. There will be informational fliers to give out too.

In preparation we are inviting all parents, students, community members and school workers
to join NYCoRE in Prospect Park on May 29, 1-5 pm to make signs, snack, play and meet great people!

Come all day, for a couple hours or just stop by. Bring your friends, families and students!
We need lots of signs for the upcoming protests.

We will be near the 11th and 15th street entrances to the park off of Prospect Park West.
Nearest train station is the 15th street stop on the F train. Also close to the 4th ave/9th street
stop on the F, R and G trains.

Here is a map of where we will be.

If you cant find us call: 646 354 9362

If you're interested in coming, want more info about the day, or are interested in finding
out more about June 4th and how to get your school involved email: sam@nycore.org

Let us know so we can plan material amounts.

Attached are fliers in English and Spanish.

We've intentionally left the school info part blank so you can easily type right into it to
personalize it for your own school.

Download pdf: English: http://www.scribd.com/doc/31924007
Spanish: http://www.scribd.com/full/31923984?access_key=key-5sdh4xvlwvylnq663cv

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