Ed Notes Extended

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Corrective Action

Last week I posted an item, since removed, about a GEM meeting attended by someone who works for the UFT. I assumed that person was sent by the UFT and made some dumb comments about her turning in a chit for per session work. Within hours I came under fire from people I know and respect - friendly and not so friendly fire - for maligning that UFT employee who apparently was not at the GEM meeting at the behest of the UFT but came because these people, some of whom I am pretty close to, had told her about GEM and she wanted to check it out. Ooooooops! Double Ooooooops!!

As one very trusted advisor told me, after slapping me around - verbally - my 40 years of dealing with Unity Caucus has made me very sensitive to signs of UFT infiltration. "Turn down the toxicity," was her advice. That will be very tough for someone who gets emails and phone calls every day detailing the horror stories the UFT has allowed to be perpetrated, but I will try. Are there any shrinks out there that specialize in UFT-itis?

Note: I am not repeating the mistake by naming that person again (for purposes of de-googling her), who by the way, my friends tell me is a wonderful young activist and is working for the UFT in a very good cause. So I send my apologies to all the offended - which by now numbers in the millions.

1 comment:

  1. Norm,

    I forgive you. As you say, it is very hard to believe that these UFT people are actually on our side since all I ever see and hear is the abuse that is being perpetrated against teachers and how the UFT just stands silently by.


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