Ed Notes Extended

Friday, July 23, 2010

Klein Violates Court Order By Shunting Kids Away From Jamaica HS AS UFT Makes Backroom Deals

From Day 1 I said the UFT law suit was more PR than reality. And here is proof.
Click to enlarge. Email me for a pdf.

Jamaica HS admissions letter 

This is the letter which Mr. Forrestal sent to Michael Mulgrew on June 11th: 

Mr. Michael Mulgrew
United Federation of Teachers

Dear Mr. Mulgrew:

I am the president of the Hillcrest Estates Civic Association and a member of Community Board 8.    Our association is zoned for Jamaica High School.       The civic association and the community board have, through various means, advocated against the arbitrary phase-out of Jamaica High School.    To your organization's credit, you have taken successful legal action to stop this injustice.
Since the March 26th ruling by Judge Lobis, the Department of Education has been consistently attempting to thwart her ruling.    I am chagrined that the UFT has failed to return to Judge Lobis to seek satisfaction through a restraining order.     It appears to me, as a non-lawyer, that their actions to co-locate two new schools in the Jamaica High School building, without compliance with the Mayoral Control legislation enacted last summer, is flagrantly illegal.

The disregard of law that is being shown by the Department of Education, as illustrated by the attached letter, is outrageous.   This letter at least borders on contempt of court.

This is an issue that goes well beyond Jamaica High School and other organizations.   If the UFT allows this disregard of law to succeed, the future will bring even further totalitarian rule.   For the sake of the students, the teachers and staff, and the entire community, I urge you to return to court to seek compliance with the laws.   As a teacher, you are well aware that the actions of adult leaders speak louder than words and have a greater impact on students.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.

Kevin J. Forrestal
Hillcrest Estates Civic Association

1 comment:

  1. Mulgrew doesnt read anything- all parent mail, members mail and mail from D.R.s goes to Engler and Barr, who are with the UFT law firm of "Delete, Delete and Delete," so they can give Mulgrew deniability.
    Mulgrew's interest in working with parents is a sham.
    This proves it yet again.


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