Ed Notes Extended

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Reports from Seattle Locals

We've run into some Seattle activists and they are posting reports of the Duncan confrontation yesterday. First a bunch of us met at Wild Ginger restaurant a few blocks from here - about 50 people. Another group led by the Detroit teachers and BAMN - the people running against Randi's Progressive Caucus - organized a bus to go to Aviation HS and confronted Duncan. He met with them for a half hour. This action alone makes them look more qualified than the Randi bunch.

Since we were prepping for the AFTP&J meeting on education at 4:30 (Randi extended the general session from 4:30 to well after 5 and we could have gone with BAMN) we went back to the hall. I asked Steve Conn later if they had video and he said someone did so we are waiting. (I tell all groups not to do anything without getting some video.) Here are some reports. Make sure to check out the web links.

Report from Seattle teacher Bob Murphy

I got to Wild Ginger at appx. 11:45.

I. I saw City Council Member Tim Burgess stroll up, he saw my sign and we chatted quickly - he frequents the 36th LD Dems - so I chewed his ear off about the reform stuff
(1. I'll do anything for kids anytime anywhere)
2. my school is over 60% FRL,
3. MY KIDS NEED, I need, MY KIDS NEED, HELP -- not powerpoints, not consultants, NOT consultants, NOT powerpoints...)

He mentioned he was there for Arne ("opps!" I think he thought, real quick!)

II. Some woman was texting & she's a Detroit teacher, & she asked me if I was the Arne protest - I gave here the cliff notes of all known information, she texted some people, more people showed up ...

III. some guy Norm Scott from NYC was there, as were some other teachers from NYC, he was doing video stuff for them ... (he is on the "to:" line)

IV. MORE people showed up, some people who are good at chants were making up chants for Arne's lunch - there were about 30? 40? 50? of us in front of Wild Ginger ...

V. people left to go to Aviation High,

VI. many / some of the people are with the AFT Peace and Justice Caucus,

There is a meeting of their caucus TODAY from 4:30 to 6:30 i

the caucus is http://www.aftpeaceandjusticecaucus.org/

VII. there was talk of doing some something tomorrow when the great Gates delivers from the throne - I do NOT know what, when, where, how,who ...

I presume it will NOT be singing his praises...??


a. I am going to go to this afternoon's thing at 4:30

VIII. Personal Note - you can say a lot of things about New Yorkers, and, as a Red Sox fan and son of Massachusetts I'll never defend them, BUT - these people know how to get stuff done.


Report from Seattle parent activist Dora Taylor

And yes, the Chicago, Oakland and Detroit teachers know how to organize. On the other hand, they have all been through this for a few years now and see what is happening to the students. They are frustrated and beyond mad.
As Karen Lewis, the Chicago Union President, said last night, this "rotting" of our public school system has to stop first in Chicago where it began and from there continue throughout the country.
She's an awesome speaker by the way.
Anyway, that will all be on my post.
Seattle Education 2010
and our new website
Seattle Education 2010


  1. Fight on, Norm, fight on!

    Great tireless work!

    More intrigue, humor, glimpses of human frailty and hubris, and adventure than a summer spy novel!

    Oh, and Diane does not Rock, she Rules, on paper, via email, on YouTube, on NY1, via GS comments, as a speaker, as a debater. You name it, she Rules it! She knows the truth, she knows the realities, she knows the studies, and she knows the downsides and flipsides of all the arguments. And Klein has been quoted as saying, "She knows nothing!" He should be fired (or jailed, or spy swapped, or quarantined, or placed in permanent orbit, or . . .) What do Klein, Duncan, Rhee, Gates, Broad, Bloomberg, Nadelstern, Walcott, and White know in toto?

  2. "III. some guy Norm Scott from NYC was there, as were some other teachers from NYC, he was doing video stuff for them ... (he is on the "to:" line)"

    Now you doing video for stuff for "them". Meaning the UFT???

    Do any of those non-New Yorkers realize that you are actually not a Delegate.

  3. Anonymous,

    I take your comment to mean, "Do any of those non-New Yorkers realize that he has not been obliged to sign a loyalty oath, and is thereby free to speak his mind and maintain a clear conscience, unlike Unity Caucus apparatchiks who comprise the UFT delegation?"

  4. No, meaning the AFT Peace and Justice comm. But if the UFT wants to use my videos they are welcome - I don't charge.

  5. Hi Norm! Great to meet you all on the sidewalk last Friday. I didn't even know what the UFT was that day!

    It appears I'm on a NEW list of malcontents! Darn ... another reason the wife & I won't be drinking the annual yule cheer with the movers & shakers of Seattle... maybe I'll get some of those shirts with the alligator on 'em so I can fit in ...

    Bob Murphy

  6. Great to meet you too Bob. Keep in touch as the national resistance grows.


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