Ed Notes Extended

Friday, July 16, 2010

UFT Coverup Over Columbia Secondary School - from INSIDE THE UNITY CAUCUS

"Did Mulgrew and Ellie Engler cover up for the principal at the drowning school? That is what was being discussed all day yesterday in a furious exchange of emails and phone calls at 52 Broadway." - INSIDE THE UNITY CAUCUS

"Roughly 10 teachers filed unrelated complaints about Mr. Maldonado-Rivera with the United Federation of Teachers after the drowning on June 22. [UFT Chapter Chair] Mr. Nalley said he was upset that those complaints had not been part of the investigation, but union officials said they had not yet forwarded them to the city."
-- NY Times, July 17, 2010

DUHHHHHH! What else is new? They were all too busy preparing how to sing Na, Na, Hey Goodbye to the people leaving the Gates appearance in Seattle.

Our favorite Unity mole takes another swipe after this story. Last week DA MOLE predicted a shakeup at UFT HQ, which could be titled, "Mr. Casey Goes to Washington, Mr. Barr Goes to Albany and Mr. Mendel Returns to Staff Director.

So, who knows what Da MOLE really knows. But this one certainly looks interesting given the excellent piece today from Jenny Medina at the Times - WOW- the Times gives the teacher point of view - over the drowned student at Columbia Secondary School. Her article and the piece from Da MOLE also reveal fault lines within the UFT and how it has abandoned teachers. Before we get to Da MOLE, here are some choice tidbits from Medina's article:

The fallout has bred resentment among some teachers who say they believe that the two administrators deserved harsher punishments.

The drowning and its aftermath have also unearthed long-simmering tensions between some teachers and Mr. Maldonado-Rivera, who they say can be an unfair and unyielding boss.

“I think the teacher was a scapegoat in order to keep the administration’s jobs intact,” said Chris Jones, who teaches social studies at the school. “It’s symptomatic of the entire attitude — all the weight and blame is placed on teachers. There was none of ‘This is what you should be doing, this is what you should not be doing.’ We were all on our own for these trips.”

[A teacher] said she complained of other safety hazards at the school, like allowing hundreds of students to walk down five flights of stairs to the gym unsupervised. She said several physical education classes were taught by college interns rather than certified teachers in Mr. Maldonado-Rivera’s effort to expand sports offerings.

“The faculty are so outraged, not specifically by the incident even,” said Chance Nalley, a math teacher and the chapter chair of the teachers’ union at the school. “We are outraged that we had been so patient and long-suffering, and we’re mad that we didn’t deal with things sooner.”

Several teachers have left the school, frustrated that they did not have enough support from the administration, which they said would constantly demand that they take on more responsibilities and work longer hours — often without extra pay.

“I worked 12-hour shifts, which was not enough for Jose, and he went so far as to ask me to come on the weekend,” said Carla Cota, who left the school after two years to teach at a private boarding school in Tucson. “He made it clear that if that couldn’t happen, he couldn’t foresee my future at the school.”

Roughly 10 teachers filed unrelated complaints about Mr. Maldonado-Rivera with the United Federation of Teachers after the drowning on June 22. Mr. Nalley said he was upset that those complaints had not been part of the investigation, but union officials said they had not yet forwarded them to the city.

Let's see - teachers forces to work 12 hour days and weekends? Forced to take dangerous field trips without prep? Interns teaching regular classes? Did I miss any? All things the UFT supposedly knew about.

The UFT response was due to - choose one A) Ineptness B) Disinterest C) They're on the wrong side (as Da MOLE indicates) - or all of the above.

Naturally the first year teacher was fired while the AP is still working - as a teacher- and the Principal remains. Did we hear from the DOE that he couldn't be fired due to tenure? Didn't principals give up tenure years ago? Or is the DOE blaming non-existent tenure as an excuse to not fire a principal? Not that we are saying people have to be fired at all over a terrible tragedy. (One day I'll tell you about time I took my class to Coney Island - without a chaperone - just me and 27 kids - and yes some did get wet. Hope statute of limitations has run out.)

Well, here is the report on the repercussions from -


Did Mulgrew and Ellie Engler cover up for the principal at the drowning school? That is what was being discussed all day yesterday in a furious exchange of emails and phone calls at 52 Broadway. Top union staffers even reached out to Randi to get Mulgrew out of his pickle-or was it to hang him? Mulgrew doesn’t know which back stabber on his staff to trust. Engler is “this close” to Randi.

Today’s Post said teachers sent the UFT information about safety issues-before the drowning- involving the principal but that the union did not forward to the complaints to DOE.

For real?

So the family should know they can now sue Mulgrew because he covered up for the principal (nothing new there; his motto is “Principals Rule. Teachers Suck.”)

The question is what did Mulgrew and Engler get out of the deal? Jobs at the schools? Jobs at other schools?

This is a major, major cover up story. Mulgrew has no interest in going after horrible principals but this time it appears to have bitten him on his ass.

What did Mulgrew and Engler ( a non-teacher by the way) know and when did they know it?

The Times and Wall Street Journal reported that two days after the drowning, teachers met at the UFT and gave the union documents about the principal, which the union kept at 52 Broadway and did not forward to Condon!

Is this a bad movie?

Mulgrew allows a teacher to get fired but doesn’t demand that the principal walk the plank?
Wow- all this for double zero raises?

Mulgrew and the a..s s.. kissers in his circle must be getting more out of these cover ups than flying on the mayor’s jet.

This is what happens when Mulgrew hired a CSA person as his Chief Bottle Washer.

Teachers should post the documents they sent to the UFT.

Follow-up the story at Norms Notes with commentary from Steve Koss and Leonie Haimson
Harlem principal got tenure after deadly beach trip where student Nicole Suriel drowned


  1. Here is my response to a great comment by Beth on Leonie's listserve:

    "I think this tragedy also points out the value of experience and maturity, qualities that have been vilified by the current administrations at the local and [sadly] federal levels, as well as by the media and the business community. in no other profession are the professionals made to be the least qualified."

    Right on Beth. No one took more trips than I did. I taught grades 4-6.

    My first trip was a walk over the Williamsburg Bridge and the kids - and I were hooked. It was May 1969.
    The next year I was ready to try the subway but very carefully. I took ideas from other teachers on how to manage - always by subway and very rarely with chaparones. I was most concerned about crossing streets and behavior on subways. We even practiced early in the year. I also took a few risks here and there and maybe I was lucky, but I think the careful attention and prep work paid off. But given all this it was always possible for a disaster to occur. I hate to think I could have been fired or brought up on charges if it did. And by the way, I was taught from day 1 as a teacher - never leave the school grounds without a consent slip. Even a neighborhood walk required this - and we had a general walking tour consent slip filled out to cover the entire school year. With public or bus transport each trip needed to have a parent sign. If the children didn't bring in a slip on the day of we called home or work and I had a supervisor or secretary as a witness. If we couldn't reach someone the child didn't go - period.

    Experience indeed!

  2. This is the true face of collaboration with the DOE.

  3. Teachers are belittled and disrespected and it is lawyers mucking it up big time! For those of us not from NYC, we got word at the convention that Mulgrew is the heir apparent to Randi for AFT president. The more I read from the edbloggers form NYC and pass on to my peeps, this Mulgrew is a character and seems not fit for his present job!

  4. Norman, you have sunken to a new low with your use of a fictitious "mole".

  5. And this situation, complete public corrupt pro-management favoritism , isn't much of a blip in the press here. Although there is a Times article . . . well thank the heavens for THAT!

    Can't criminal charges be levied against this principal? This is professional incompetance or manslaughter?

    We as teachers are complete targets at this point, with our own union "leader", the bald headed pimp Mulgrew, throwing us to the wolves.


    Da mole seems to be on the money- see the Mulgrew la la land TRC stats released to Gotham Schools.
    Mulgrew will not tell us how many teachers have been found guilty.
    Where was the D.O.E. evidence all these years?
    What Bloomberg and Mulgrew are saying is this:
    You are a bum teacher. You have been reassigned for three years.
    But if you have the do-re-mi, you can go back to the school and be a bum teacher.

    As for the drowning story, all Mulgrew has to do is to release the documents he received from the teachers before the death of a student. Either the Post reporter is lying or Mulgrew is lying.

    Here is today’s New York Post:

    “Teacher Chance Malley…….and other staffers complained that four hours of testimony they had recently given to UFT officials documenting (the principal’s) safety violations were never forwarded to investigators or to D.OE.”
    That sentence should be denied in a press release that Mulgrew will have Brian Gibbons write (he was hired by Mulgrew from the C.S.A.).

    If it is not denied, Mulgrew should resign.

    Members-any member--- should ask for the grievances. Maybe Solomon took then to his retirement home or they were given to L. Patrick Gray to be deep-sixed in the Potomac.
    If Mulgrew hides them, get them from D.O.E.
    Why didn’t Mulgrew give Condon and D.O.E. the complaints from the teachers he received two days after the drowning? Easy answer: he didn’t want to help his members and he wanted to protect the principal and his pals Klein and Bloomberg so they will give us double zeros. DUHHHHHHHHHH indeed.

    If his Vichy enforcer -probably the Red- Baiter Zahler ( run out of D.C.) who answers these posts saying Mulgrew knew nothing about how bad this principal was- cant come up with a better word than SUNKEN, you know what bad shape UNITY is in.
    By the way, does Loudmouth Zahler get a fourth pension from the UFT for reading the blogs all day? Exactly how many grievances against Randi did he handle from the ATF pissed off staff?
    Why was Betsy fired?
    Will she give us her inside story on Randi and Mulgrew throwing TRC members over the side all these years?

  7. How can a Principal get tenure? I thought principals no longer had tenure? The only thing that makes sense is that this Principal was never a tenured teacher.


    Chaz, you are on the road to a Pulitzer Prize.
    Finally, Mulgrew and Bloomberg get nailed in a cover up.
    There is no tenure!
    So the protected principal with friends in Tweed and high up in the UFT should have been fired for not having consent forms.
    Now: reach out to the teachers at the doomed school and find out who at the UFT they told about how dangerous this principal was. Then get the documents from Condon- he has to give them up now.
    Then do what Juan Gonzalez did - get Klein’s emails and see if he was in touch with Mulgrew and Engler and Big Bad Leroy Brown Barr before the drowning.
    So why is Mulgrew covering Bloomberg’s ass?
    Gee, is it that much fun to fly in the mayor's plane Mike?
    Try the Cyclone- you will do less damage to the members.
    Then go to Home Depot and buy some culliones since you gave yours to Randi, as she demands of all her boy toys at the UFT.
    Mulgrew motto:
    “It's all about the kids----Unless it is about us.”

  9. Hey Lord God

    Every day you Unity slugs tell me I've sunk to a new low. I'm more sunken than the BP oil well. Well, the gusher out of Unity is spewing. Wish I could make this stuff up but I can't write fast enough.

  10. Will someone explain why those teachers submitted complaints to the UFT instead of OSI? Were they just being naive thinking that the union would actually be interested?
    It's not as if the UFT can give you whistleblower protection. You only get that when you report something bad to the public advocate, comptroller, a City Council member, the city's Dept of Investigations (DOI), OSI, the mayor, the chancellor, or the deputy chancellor.

    PS: They fired Betsy?

  11. Let me get this straight, the principal received tenure 9 days after the little girl drowned. The DOE had time to stop this but felt it was OK the paperwork was submitted in April. BUT, many teachers were given U ratings and many will be terminated for failing to complete probation because their scholarship numbers (how many students passed or failed a class or regents test) did not meet the principal's/superintendent/chancellor's requirement?????????????

  12. NO ONE can make this stuff up! In the bizarro world of the DOE NYC, a little girl drowns on a class trip, and the administrator that gave the O.K. for this ill fated trip gets REWARDED for it, supposedly by being granted tenure.
    Has anyone affiliated with this tragedy ( including the head honchos at the DOE) said that they were sorry to the family of the ill fated little girl? No, probably scrambling for lawyers to defend themselves, and put a good spin to THEIR side of the story.
    I think about what happened to me at the hands of the infamous Jolanta Rohloff when I worked at Lafayette High in Brooklyn. Nothing I did (or didn't do) could compare to what this Principal allowed to happen, yet the DOE rushes to defend him- incredible!
    I would think that some criminal charges should be levied against this Principal for his neglect in allowing this trip. No, the DOE would rather go after teachers that have reservations about using the "Workshop Model".
    A sad state of affairs. On another note-
    Was Betsy Combier fired from the UFT?

  13. Norman, it is not nice to make light of the oil spill destroying the environment in the gulf region.

    Love thy neighbor.

  14. Principal's do not have tenure.

    Section 7, Part A, subsection i of the 1999 Memorandum of Agreement between the CSA and the Board of Ed stipulates that after a probationary period, Principal's are to receive three-year contracts.

    APs still have tenure; Principal's do not.

    Obviously, this Principal has some juice, otherwise the DOE and UFT would not both be so protective of him.

    It's par for the course for the DOE. However, why did the union sit on the complaints of the teachers from the school? I mean, aside from their usual incompetence and collaboration with everything Bloomberg does?

    This horrible, horrible, event is just revealing more dirt and corruption.

  15. First, Betsy Combier was not fired. Her position as liaison to the TRC's has been eliminated since there are no more TRCs. Hopefully, they will find her a new position dealing with reassigned teachers.

    Second, why did the union sit on the teacher complaints? Something is very fishy about this.

    Third, what union official told the teachers too work through the UFT and not OSI?

  16. Betsy has told lots of TRC people she was fired.
    Let Betsy answer.
    Does she know too much about what a screw up Mulgrew is?

  17. Chaz, thank you for the 3rd question. When I asked (at 8:50 pm) about why report to the UFT instead of to OSI or any of the other choices that carry whistleblower protection, I didn't think far enough along. Now I'm wondering if there is a larger pattern here.

    Does the UFT encourage people to report troublespots to borough offices or HQ just so they can use insider info like this to make side deals? Is that what we're witnessing here?

    The reason I ask is that it's always been curious to me why the UFT asks us to report Spec Ed violations to a UFT department — one that states quite openly they'll try to go in and "fix" the problem you're reporting (by talking with the principal or whatever), but makes it equally clear they cannot protect you in the process — instead of encouraging us to just report violations to OSI, the chancellor, or any of the other 6 mentioned above and they would supply the help we'd need if admin tries to retaliate. Does the UFT want to corner insider information for themselves so they can use it for other purposes, and at our expense?

    There's altogether too much scamming and invisible deal-making with this union.

  18. Does the UFT want to corner inside information for themselves so they can use it for other purposes, and at our expense? That is a rhetorical question, is it not? I am so angry!!!!! As a CL I have also filed many safety grievances and no one acted upon them until TWO guns showed up. One gun was not enough. It was two guns. The staff wanted to know if someone had to die in order to get some help! Sorry, but even that doesn't change a thing. I am outraged! The staff at that school should produce the documentation if it is true.We need to demand answers from the UFT. ACCOUNTABILITY!

  19. When the rubber hit the road ………….

    Randi’s favorite expression- she peeled out.

    Betsy was not hired as a liaison to the rubber rooms.
    She was hired by Randi and Loudmouth Zahler’s nephew Adam Ross after she started investigating time sheets for a Queens UFT big wig- a very close, very close, very very very close friend of Randi and an even closer friend of Zahler’s.
    Betsy was teamed up with Ron Isacc and veteran New York Teacher reporter Jim Callaghan, the most respected and admired writer on the staff when it comes to defending members, to investigate the conditions in the rooms, as well as the strength, or lack thereof, of the DOE cases against the members and to make suggestions for closing the rooms.
    That was in September 2007- now follow the bouncing ball.
    The three visited the rooms and talked to the members.
    They took ideas back to Randi, who held a big dog and pony show on Halloween Night at union headquarters in 2007. Trick or treat anyone?
    Callaghan wrote a major article that was toned down by Randi and her press guy Chris Pelican- a half a black guy later fired by Randi.
    Weingarten and Callaghan had a huge argument that turned into a shouting match in Pelican’s office when he gutted Callaghan’s most aggressive assaults on Bloomberg and Klein. Friends of Callaghan and staffers who heard the yelling back and forth expected him to be fired the next day, but Randi didn’t move against him (she somehow likes a few ---very few---of her men staffers to have balls). What would she say-that his yeoman work on behalf of abused teachers had all been for naught? He broke the Maria Colon story who was sent to the rubber room for being a whistleblower against disgraced JFK principal Rottuno (Colon was exonerated yet sent back to the rubber room). See Lynne Winderbaum’s analysis on JFK but don’t look for it in the union paper)

    He sent the Brooklyn Tech guy to the showers by investigating the fact that he lived in New Jersey yet claimed a fake Brooklyn address so he could cheat the city out of $20,000 in public school tuition for his daughter (no jail time- Klein allowed him to resign).
    He gave whistleblower David Pakter his due and he wronged the injustice of Ira Muryadan who had been sent to the TRC after false allegations (the students recanted when caught in lies) of sexual abuse for which he had been indicted.
    All of us in the rooms were elated that Randi had sent her best reporter, who is afraid of no one and never gives up, to uncover and write about the mess.
    Then………Then………….then………….basically nothing. Randi muzzled Callaghan, Isacc and Betsy and she was not interested in any more stories.
    Then she sent the three of them once a week to go to the rubber rooms to spy on her Special Reps and Borough Reps, which they refused to do so they went to the rooms and kibitzed with the members.
    The investigative arm of the union newspaper was closed down -too many ads - and Randi signed another fake agreement with Klein in June 2008 that was supposed to solve everything, except that it did nothing to halt the abuse-it got worse, especially for honest chapter leaders.
    So Issac doesn’t even write for the union paper any more, Callaghan has been sidelined and Betsy was fired- which means there is no more abuse going on right?
    Mulgrew wont even write the Pakter victory- he had nearly every charge dismissed by an arbitrator. Callaghan got two A.P’s to tell him they were instructed by Fordham HS for the Arts principal Iris Bilge to go after chapter leaders, which she did. (see Lynne Winderbaum’s analysis on JFK but don’t look for it in the union paper)

  20. PART ONE

    When the rubber hit the road ………….

    Randi’s favorite expression- she peeled out.

    Betsy was not hired as a liaison to the rubber rooms.
    She was hired by Randi and Loudmouth Zahler’s nephew Adam Ross after she started investigating time sheets for a Queens UFT big wig- a very close, very close, very very very close friend of Randi and an even closer friend of Zahler’s.
    Betsy was teamed up with Ron Isacc and veteran New York Teacher reporter Jim Callaghan, the most respected and admired writer on the staff when it comes to defending members, to investigate the conditions in the rooms, as well as the strength, or lack thereof, of the DOE cases against the members and to make suggestions for closing the rooms.
    That was in September 2007- now follow the bouncing ball.
    The three visited the rooms and talked to the members.
    They took ideas back to Randi, who held a big dog and pony show on Halloween Night at union headquarters in 2007. Trick or treat anyone?
    Callaghan wrote a major article that was toned down by Randi and her press guy Chris Pelican- a half a black guy later fired by Randi.
    Weingarten and Callaghan had a huge argument that turned into a shouting match in Pelican’s office when he gutted Callaghan’s most aggressive assaults on Bloomberg and Klein. Friends of Callaghan and staffers who heard the yelling back and forth expected him to be fired the next day, but Randi didn’t move against him (she somehow likes a few ---very few---of her men staffers to have balls). What would she say-that his yeoman work on behalf of abused teachers had all been for naught? He broke the Maria Colon story who was sent to the rubber room for being a whistleblower against disgraced JFK principal Rottuno (Colon was exonerated yet sent back to the rubber room). See Lynne Winderbaum’s analysis on JFK but don’t look for it in the union paper)

    He sent the Brooklyn Tech guy to the showers by investigating the fact that he lived in New Jersey yet claimed a fake Brooklyn address so he could cheat the city out of $20,000 in public school tuition for his daughter (no jail time- Klein allowed him to resign).
    He gave whistleblower David Pakter his due and he wronged the injustice of Ira Muryadan who had been sent to the TRC after false allegations (the students recanted when caught in lies) of sexual abuse for which he had been indicted.
    All of us in the rooms were elated that Randi had sent her best reporter, who is afraid of no one and never gives up, to uncover and write about the mess.
    Then………Then………….then………….basically nothing. Randi muzzled Callaghan, Isacc and Betsy and she was not interested in any more stories.

  21. Is there a reason why we had to read the same post 5 times


    Randi muzzled Callaghan, Isacc and Betsy and she was not interested in any more stories.
    Then she sent the three of them once a week to go to the rubber rooms to spy on her Special Reps and Borough Reps, which they refused to do so they went to the rooms and kibitzed with the members.
    The investigative arm of the union newspaper was closed down -too many ads - and Randi signed another Vichy agreement with Klein in June 2008 that was supposed to solve everything, except that it did nothing to halt the abuse-it got worse, especially for honest chapter leaders.
    So Issac doesn’t even write for the union paper any more, Callahan has been sidelined and Betsy was fired- which means there is no more abuse going on right?
    Mulgrew wont even write the Pakter victory- he had nearly every charge dismissed by an arbitrator. Callahan got two A.P’s to tell him they were instructed by Fordham HS for the Arts principal Iris Bilge to go after chapter leaders, which she did. (see Lynne Winderbaum’s analysis on JFK but don’t look for it in the union paper)
    In November 2009, Mulgrew told the Teacher Union Day audience that he was “going after” Bilge, who survives to this day. It depends on the meaning of the words “going after.”
    That is the real story. Mulgrew’s “hand” maiden Gibbons is like a third base coach- always looking into the dugout for the signal but instead he calls Ernie Logan at C.S.A. who tells him it’s the teachers who are crazy and Mulgrew, like Randi, believes him and not his members.
    Let’s hope Betsy kept good notes and tape recordings so she can expose these creeps for what they are.
    Why do whistleblowers like Nobile have to get their stories on blogs instead of in the union paper they pay dues for?
    Is it true that Randi promised him a press conference after Condon, who was Koch’s Police Commissioner for three hours (two pensions but no New York Post story about him) wrote a report denouncing Klein’s OSI people who cleared Nobile? Who ordered that hit?
    When will someone with balls ask Randi or Mulgrew at their next public meeting?
    They can deny it right? Why don’t they?


    Randi muzzled Callaghan, Isacc and Betsy and she was not interested in any more stories.
    Then she sent the three of them once a week to go to the rubber rooms to spy on her Special Reps and Borough Reps, which they refused to do so they went to the rooms and kibitzed with the members.
    The investigative arm of the union newspaper was closed down -too many ads - and Randi signed another Vichy agreement with Klein in June 2008 that was supposed to solve everything, except that it did nothing to halt the abuse-it got worse, especially for honest chapter leaders.
    So Issac doesn’t even write for the union paper any more, Callaghan has been sidelined and Betsy was fired- which means there is no more abuse going on right?
    Mulgrew wont even write the Pakter victory- he had nearly every charge dismissed by an arbitrator. Callahan got two A.P’s to tell him they were instructed by Fordham HS for the Arts principal Iris Bilge to go after chapter leaders, which she did. (see Lynne Winderbaum’s analysis on JFK but don’t look for it in the union paper)
    In November 2009, Mulgrew told the Teacher Union Day audience that he was “going after” Bilge, who survives to this day. It depends on the meaning of the words “going after.”
    That is the real story. Mulgrew’s “hand” maiden Gibbons is like a third base coach- always looking into the dugout for the signal but instead he calls Ernie Logan at C.S.A. who tells him it’s the teachers who are crazy and Mulgrew, like Randi, believes him and not his members.
    Let’s hope Betsy kept good notes and tape recordings so she can expose these creeps for what they are.
    Why do whistleblowers like Nobile have to rely on blogs to get their stories publicized instead of in the union paper they pay dues for?
    Is it true that Randi promised Nobile a press conference after Condon, who was Koch’s Police Commissioner for three hours (two pensions but no New York Post story about him) wrote a report denouncing Klein’s OSI people who cleared Nobile? Who ordered that hit?
    When will someone with balls ask Randi or Mulgrew- at their next public appearances- if Randi made that promise to Nobile? Is it true that Mendel, Callaghan and NYSUT lawyer Callagy were in the room when she promised?
    Mulgrew and Randi can deny it right? Why don’t they?


    Randi muzzled Callaghan, Isacc and Betsy and she was not interested in any more stories.
    Then she sent the three of them once a week to go to the rubber rooms to spy on her Special Reps and Borough Reps, which they refused to do so they went to the rooms and kibitzed with the members.
    The investigative arm of the union newspaper was closed down -too many ads - and Randi signed another Vichy agreement with Klein in June 2008 that was supposed to solve everything, except that it did nothing to halt the abuse-it got worse, especially for honest chapter leaders.
    So Issac doesn’t even write for the union paper any more, Callaghan has been sidelined and Betsy was fired- which means there is no more abuse going on right?
    Mulgrew wont even write the Pakter victory- he had nearly every charge dismissed by an arbitrator. Callahan got two A.P’s to tell him they were instructed by Fordham HS for the Arts principal Iris Bilge to go after chapter leaders, which she did. (see Lynne Winderbaum’s analysis on JFK but don’t look for it in the union paper)
    In November 2009, Mulgrew told the Teacher Union Day audience that he was “going after” Bilge, who survives to this day. It depends on the meaning of the words “going after.”
    That is the real story. Mulgrew’s “hand” maiden Gibbons is like a third base coach- always looking into the dugout for the signal but instead he calls Ernie Logan at C.S.A. who tells him it’s the teachers who are crazy and Mulgrew, like Randi, believes him and not his members.
    Let’s hope Betsy kept good notes and tape recordings so she can expose these creeps for what they are.
    Why do whistleblowers like Nobile have to rely on blogs to get their stories publicized instead of in the union paper they pay dues for?
    Is it true that Randi promised Nobile a press conference after Condon, who was Koch’s Police Commissioner for three hours (two pensions but no New York Post story about him) wrote a report denouncing Klein’s OSI people who cleared Nobile? Who ordered that hit?
    When will someone with balls ask Randi or Mulgrew- at their next public appearances- if Randi made that promise to Nobile? Is it true that Mendel, Callaghan and NYSUT lawyer Callagy were in the room when she promised?
    Mulgrew and Randi can deny it right? Why don’t they?

  25. I don't think JC knows how to post. Or he loves his writing so much and he has so much anger that he needs for us to read his "work" three times.

  26. SIMPLE QUESTION: For Weingarten and Mulgrew: DID SHE PROMISE Nobile a press conference to defend him against Condon's hit job? Is it binding on Mulgrew?
    Yes or No.
    Why is it so complicated- it takes them a year to craft an answer?
    Someone here is lynig right? Is it Nobile?
    Why wont Mulgrew 'fess up?



    be carteful what you wsih for in asking RAndi to come back. this is like asking that Nixon come back becasue his hand picked successor Ford was a moron.
    Remember: Randi created the FRankenstein monster Mulgrew for a reason. Lenin called them useful idiots.

  28. This weekend should shed additional light as to why the principal and A.P. have been spared. Please note, that Condon's report mentions only token action against the administration and that the A.P. is rehired as a teacher. Want to venture how much additional per session he will receive to make up for the loss of $ being demoted? The key to unlock all of these mysteries lies in the Village Voice story about Richard Condon. How he was given this position and by which group that enables this kind of negligence to go unpunished. If you connect the dots you will find a politically powerful and relentless group controlling much of what takes place in city government and especially the educational community. For starters, check out the education departments recent hirings at the office of school supplies in Long Islaned City. Then turn your attention to the recent shananigans at the UFT. And watch those who Mulgrew promotes in very sensitive positions. No this is the behind the scenes actions by a group that has very personal ties to the leaders of government and the mayor in particular. Just look at who led the charge for term limits repeal and Randi and Mike's choices for power positions. Should not be hard to figure out.


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