Ed Notes Extended

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jim Callaghan Goes Missing: UFT Deletes History

At the Labor Research Association dinner in March 2008, Randi Weingarten calls Jim Callaghan "one of the best historians in New York" and thanks him for helping write her speech, then introduces him to the crowd.

The disappearance of Jim Callaghan 

Go to UFT .org, then to the NY Teacher and type in Lee McCaskill, the vicious principal who Callaghan investigated and exposed - it led to his being removed.

The site claims Callaghan's Brooklyn Tech story is there but when you try to open it, no luck. Here is what it says:
Teachers the real heroes at Brooklyn
As principal of Brooklyn Technical HS, Lee McCaskill was a schoolyard bully, harassing and intimidating teachers, inventing bogus charges of corporal punishment and insubordination, and driving brilliant teachers out of the school.
Click on the link and you get this:

Page Not Found

Sorry, the page you requested could not be found.
If you typed in the address, check that it was typed correctly. The page may have been moved to a different location on our Web site. You can try searching for it using our site's search engine.
Please click this link to alert us to the missing page. By sending us this broken link e-mail, you are providing us with vital information to quickly remedy the problem.
We will either fix the broken link or tell you that the file you requested has been removed from the Web site.
They have cut Callaghan down to 41 stories over 13 years with lots of other stories by others going back 10 years.
Callaghan is being DELETED and DISAPPEARED

What next, a bond fire burning old NY Teachers with aricles by Callaghan?

Stop by and tell them to restore the links.

Summing up how Mulgrew views unions for writers as opposed to other workers:

From Steve Brill Story on teacher unions in Sunday Times mag, May 2010:
Next to Mulgrew was his press aide, Richard Riley. “Suppose you decide that Riley is lazy or incompetent,” I asked Mulgrew. “Should you be able to fire him?”
“He’s not a teacher,” Mulgrew responded. “And I need to be able to pick my own person for a job like that.” Then he grinned, adding: “I know where you’re going, but you don’t understand. Teachers are just different.”
Are writers different than carpenters? In the world of Mulgrew they are.

Here's something by Callaghan still up there. Read it while you can:


  1. A floor sweeper deserves due process. Mulgrew's comment that teachers are different proves he is not a labor leader.

  2. Soon Jim will be missing just like Jimmy Hoffa!

  3. Mulgrew, like the $175,000 and up flunkies he surrounds himself with, (who we pay for to make deals with Obama and Bloomberg) is a certified fraud and a fake thug.
    If tests were tied to tenure when he was bullying his way around Grady HS, and making nice to principals, he and his students would have failed. This is a guy who says "wid" and "less" teachers instead of fewer.
    Even Klein's guy inside the UFT-- Brian Gibbons hired from the CSA---can't save this mope.

  4. Here's another grand Norm conspiracy. A lot of older NY Teacher articles are missing from the UFT website. It can't possibly have anything to do with the site being relaunched, could it?

  5. The revamping of the site required that whole histories would not be a part of the new site because it required too much transferring work. I confirmed this weeks before Norm's post. No conspiracy. It just wasn't important enough to someone somewhere inside 52 Broadway to find a way to make the histories available.

    John Powers


    To: The above post from Four Pension Loudmouth Zahler and/or PBA man Hickey and/or Mulgrew-who claims to be a regular ED Notes blogger: (doesnt this joker have a contract to settle?)
    -as of FRIDAY, Mike The Plagarizer Hirsch has 313 articles on the UFT web site- and he started AFTER Callaghann. And he is McFadyen's pet pit bull who threatened to kick callaghansns ass at a staff meeting so he could steal his stories. And he wasnt fired?
    Other writers have more than 50 each on the UFT web site.
    Looks like the Mulgrew slime machine can't count- what else is new?
    Hirsch isn't being "revamped" or living in the Mulgrew re-education camp?
    By the way, the "re-design" of the boring UFT web site- made more boring by Mulgrew and Gibbons and McFadyen---- has cost the members over $150,000!
    Our dues are being used for buying McFadyen new toys. The para boat ride had some "hidden" costs- the final tab is over $43,000- our dues money so Mulgrew and his cronies and eat and drink for free.

    With all due respect to John Powers, please go to uft. org right now and type "LABOR DAYS."
    There are 410 articles posted so whoever told you that cock and bull story is just another Mulgrew lap dog who loves lying to members.
    Anyone who believes this has to do with "revamping" is living in "four per cent a year raise for five years" la-la land.
    What was there to revamp? to make boring prose, rewritten press releases approved at City Hall, Mulgrew's barely literate columns and CSA propaganda look better with bells and whistles?
    Check out the UFT "revamped" EDWIZE and see now many comments it gets- mainly because Leo Casey-the Clara Barton beard for RAndi's teaching license- and the friend of every crumb bum principal in the system- has turned it into his private little deadly, tedious diary and will not let others on the staff post.
    $150,000 for that? Who is watching over our dues? I hope it's not Hickey like he watched over the $7 million the lawyer Richie Hartman stole from the PBA union.
    Can anyoone explain how you steal from cops?

  8. JC, enough...you have too much time on your hands...get a job with your friends at fox or the post...

  9. ITUC:

    No offense taken. It's obvious that someone decided that some histories are better to include than others. There are no longer any electronic pages of info available regarding the UFT and Arthur Pepper's support for privatizing GHI/HIP nor the (minor) coverage addressing the fightback against the privatization at the June DA (2008).

    In addition, to this day the DA amendment that was accepted in October of 2008 to have an ATR rally at Tweed is not reflected on the website. The resolution is there without the amendment. I guess that means it didn't happen. Perhaps Bob Astrowsky, who actually asked me for a copy of the amendment after it passed at the assembly, threw it out in the garbage or forgot to hand it in to the NY Teacher or took it upon himself to create his own rules related to what would be stored electronically for posterity or not.

    Who knows?

    John Powers

  10. A friend at the uft told him about a job there like 13 years ago, doing fliers and press for the RTC. (Jim, by the way, stopped talking to his friend, as is his MO). He did a lousy job and they quickly wanted him out. But since he had friends in union leadership (who he also subsequently stopped talking to), he was bumped up to the communications department, where the supervisors wanted to fire him. but since he had friends in high places, he was moved again, this time to NY Teacher, where his "I'm right because I can yell louder than you" antics led to the next attempt to fire him. but his job was saved again, this time from the top, because of fear of the same kind of crap press that came out after the firing.

  11. this problem child, who was suspended twice without pay in the last year or so, told people since randi left that he was thought he was going to be fired. the last time he thought he was going to be fired, he claimed a senior staffer made an anti-Irish comment about him. this way, if he got fired, he could say it was in retribution for his claim. this time, he goes through the half-hearted motions of trying to form a union because he knew the tabs would be quick to jump on this story. If he was sincere on this, where was he the last 10 years on trying to start a union? the timing is very telling. Yet the tabs took the bait. There is a good side to JC. Outside the office he can be charming and helpful. But inside, he is a horror to work with. I dare the News or Post to hire him. Since their newsroom employees aren't protected by a union, I give him two months at either place.
    callaghan has been the biggest complainer of Davis' work habits since Davis was moved back to communications, yet he makes him a poster boy for why they need a union. mcfadden might be a bit of an iron-hand ruler, but she has done a good job with the newspaper and the web site. none of the other supervisors there — amlung, miraldi, spielman, loverdi — are as capable or smart as her. she hasn't given ron isaac anything because he has proven himself to be fact-challenged, which is a tough obstacle if you hope to be a reporter. yes, ny teacher is kept under the leadership's leash, but name one publication where the publisher's interests aren't protected.

  12. why don't the people claiming more of jim's stuff is being deleted go back through every issue the last 10 years and count his bylines compared to Hirsch's. or even part-timer Dorothy Callaci. you see, jim wasn't given as many stories because every story he got meant another tantrum about the editing or the placement. it was addition by subtraction. giving jim fewer stories meant less problems for everyone else.


    Norm, did you call Miraldi to see if this is realy his post? He is listed. One of Mulgrew's top bootlickers told us last week that he is demanding that Caucus members spread the lies so he can "detroy Callaghan finanically." (His words). I am retired and worked with Callaghan and his NY Teacher colleagues for the entire time he was at the union and I still talk to peolple at the union.
    Callaghan was, by far, the hardest worker, the most helpful, the funniest, the most passionate.
    Unlike his bosses, he knew he was being paid by the members.
    His troubles were because he refused to go along with Weingarten and Mulgrew when they covered up corruption in the schools or protected superintendents and principals and because he would not allow Weingarten and Mulgrew to muzzle him when they decided who was a good teacher and who wasnt.
    Every UFT member should be outraged at the lies and contradiictions.

    Even if Callaghan was a bum- they only fired him after he started organizing a union. That is why there is an NLRB.

    Larry the sportswriter -he was at $180k when he left- rewriting history so his wife can stay on the UFT payroll.
    Maybe Miraldi should try the facts: Hirsch threatened to kick Callaghan's ass at a NY Teacher staff meeting in December after denigrating him for criticizing the bosses. This was after he called Callaghan a fuck in a meeting with McFadyen and the other sportswriter LoVerde and took himself off a story he stole from Callaghan -who asked him to co-write it with him because Hirsch is really good at whining and running to his mommy McFadyen when he doesnt get his way.
    AS a reward for this threat, Mulgrew gave him sole control of the story, a watered down version about the Citizens Budget Commission.

    Mulgrew, Engler, Barr and Hickey violated the UFT policy that says you can't retaliate against someone for filing a harassment complaint- which Callaghan did because Hirsch was off his meds and clearly out of control and McFadyen said she wasnt going to do anything about it.

    The UFT policy also says that there will be a "thorough, prompt and fair" investigation, which never happened.
    Engler/Barr/hickey/Mulgrew took statements from only five of the 15 people there and claimed they all said the same thing- just like cops tell you when they arrive at a crime scene and get 20 stories from 10 people.
    So Hirsh the faux thug- the fake Socialist- is treated the same way as his victim -just like the UFT does in the schols when teachers are threatened, right? and gets to stay on the job. THat is why he is in The Chief this week defending his Vichy bosses; maybe he is pissed because no one on the staff with half a brain would ask him to join a union- he would be the company spy.
    Since Miraldi is posting, how about some more details on how much money Weingaeten and Mulgrew cost the members- tens of thosuands of dollars- because they refused to meet their deadlines as they read every line of the paper?
    Or how the software company Hickey hired walked off the job with 50K before it finished the job?
    And how Miraldi started a black woman at 20K less than a white woman? He told people he was angry at Weingarten (he called her a witch or a bitch or a dyke depending on the day of the week) forced him to hire two women.
    Miraldi will say anything to protect his wife's job.
    He cant even post with the facts becasue he too has been told to lie:
    the last issue of the NY Teacher had six stories by Callaghan- more than any other writer.
    Your turn "Miraldi/Spielman."
    FYI: The official UFT report on the other harassment case is that Michael Spielman did indeed make the anti-Irish comment but was allowed to skate because he was another of Weingarten's cabana boys.


    Norm, did you call Miraldi to see if this is realy his post? He is listed. One of Mulgrew's top bootlickers told us last week that he is demanding that Caucus members spread the lies so he can "detroy Callaghan finanically." (His words). I am retired and worked with Callaghan and his NY Teacher colleagues for the entire time he was at the union and I still talk to peolple at the union.
    Callaghan was, by far, the hardest worker, the most helpful, the funniest, the most passionate.
    Unlike his bosses, he knew he was being paid by the members.
    His troubles were because he refused to go along with Weingarten and Mulgrew when they covered up corruption in the schools or protected superintendents and principals and because he would not allow Weingarten and Mulgrew to muzzle him when they decided who was a good teacher and who wasnt.
    Every UFT member should be outraged at the lies and contradiictions.

    Even if Callaghan was a bum- they only fired him after he started organizing a union. That is why there is an NLRB.

    Larry the sportswriter -he was at $180k when he left- rewriting history so his wife can stay on the UFT payroll.
    Maybe Miraldi should try the facts: Hirsch threatened to kick Callaghan's ass at a NY Teacher staff meeting in December after denigrating him for criticizing the bosses. This was after he called Callaghan a fuck in a meeting with McFadyen and the other sportswriter LoVerde and took himself off a story he stole from Callaghan -who asked him to co-write it with him because Hirsch is really good at whining and running to his mommy McFadyen when he doesnt get his way.
    AS a reward for this threat, Mulgrew gave him sole control of the story, a watered down version about the Citizens Budget Commission.

    Mulgrew, Engler, Barr and Hickey violated the UFT policy that says you can't retaliate against someone for filing a harassment complaint- which Callaghan did because Hirsch was off his meds and clearly out of control and McFadyen said she wasnt going to do anything about it.

    The UFT policy also says that there will be a "thorough, prompt and fair" investigation, which never happened.
    Engler/Barr/hickey/Mulgrew took statements from only five of the 15 people there and claimed they all said the same thing- just like cops tell you when they arrive at a crime scene and get 20 stories from 10 people.
    So Hirsh the faux thug- the fake Socialist- is treated the same way as his victim -just like the UFT does in the schols when teachers are threatened, right? and gets to stay on the job. THat is why he is in The Chief this week defending his Vichy bosses; maybe he is pissed because no one on the staff with half a brain would ask him to join a union- he would be the company spy.
    Since Miraldi is posting, how about some more details on how much money Weingaeten and Mulgrew cost the members- tens of thosuands of dollars- because they refused to meet their deadlines as they read every line of the paper?
    Or how the software company Hickey hired walked off the job with 50K before it finished the job?
    And how Miraldi started a black woman at 20K less than a white woman? He told people he was angry at Weingarten (he called her a witch or a bitch or a dyke depending on the day of the week) forced him to hire two women.
    Miraldi will say anything to protect his wife's job.
    He cant even post with the facts becasue he too has been told to lie:
    the last issue of the NY Teacher had six stories by Callaghan- more than any other writer.
    Your turn "Miraldi/Spielman."
    FYI: The official UFT report on the other harassment case is that Michael Spielman did indeed make the anti-Irish comment but was allowed to skate because he was another of Weingarten's cabana boys.

  15. From the ghost of Larry Miraldi. Coming to a courtroom near you soon: My memo to Callaghan, May, 2001:

    "I have gone to bat for you......even incurring the wrath of Susan (Amlung) and Neill (Rosenfield). You are a talented professional, you come in on time, prepared for work, well dressed etc....

    I dont beleive Randi when she talks about the Speaker's Bureau- It will never materialize....it's all smoke and mirrors....If you give up now, all the hard work you have done putting cable TV and weekly newspapers on the radar screen will go up in flames."

  16. Gee- is that really Larry Miraldi's memo? From ten years ago?
    Then how can Mulgrew tell the Post that Callaghan "lacked professional standards." He just found out?
    Who was Mulgrew comparing him to-the Brooklyn Special Rep he just fired and refused to allow him to have representation at a UFT disciplinary hearing, featuring Mulgrew as the hanging judge?


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