Ed Notes Extended

Friday, October 8, 2010

Candi Questions What Randi/Rhee Have Wrought

Candi Peterson, who is running for VP of the Washington Teachers Union with Nathan Saunders as president,  from Day 1 was warning about the contract Randi and Rhee negotiated, lays things bare on her blog. Here is an excerpt - but read it all at http://thewashingtonteacher.blogspot.com/
When the Washington Teachers' Union contract (2007-12) which was negotiated and finalized by 'Hold Over' union President George Parker and AFT President Randi Weingarten in September 2010, I questioned and raised concerns about a clause in the union contract language which states on page 103:

Article 40.1: The Parties agree that all provisions of this agreement are subject to the availability of funds.

40.2: Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a promise that Congress, the DC Council and any other organization shall appropriate sufficient funds to meet the obligations set forth in this Agreement."

I was worried that this clause which has never appeared in previous union contracts would come back to haunt us in addition to, protecting DC Public Schools from honoring the terms of our Contract Agreement once ratified. My gut told me that when Parker and Weingarten negotiated our teachers' union contract during a large looming budget deficit (158 mil) that it would only lead to problems for us down the road. Of course my concerns about the contract language that were addressed to 'Hold Over' Union President George Parker fell on deaf ears and of course the rest is history. While I don't have the answers to what the Mayor's Executive order means for DC teachers and school personnel, as a critical thinker it raises for me a number of questions and concerns that requires us to seek additional information on how this will impact teachers, school personnel, students and schools.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link on your blog. Ballots will be mailed by October 12 and will be counted here in DC by October 27. AFT courtesy of Randi Weingarten is trying their best to give the hold over president George Parker the upper hand. They have placed Parker 1st on the ballot and have refused to allow us to advertise on local school bulletin boards as we have done in the past. AFT supports Parker because he is weak and easy to control. A vote for him would lead to the eventual demise of the Washington Teachers Union. Right now highly effective teachers won't get their bonuses unless they agree to relinquish their rights. Nathan Saunders and I will continue to fight the good fight. Check out our campaign website @

    Candi Peterson
    The Washington Teacher


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