Ed Notes Extended

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Brainy Women

Hanging out with the Mama Grizzlies, NYC version.

I was 20 minutes late for the meeting yesterday (Friday afternoon). When the hostess opened the door she proclaimed to the four other women in the room behind her "Finally, a man is here".

"Norm is in heaven," one of them proclaimed, "he just loves to be in a room full of women."

Guilty. You don't spend 30 years in an elementary school without getting used to being surrounded by women. And loving it.

"Who needs men?" I replied.

Well, it is not secret that I hang out mostly with women. But not just any women. Brainy women - BW's with incredible mental toughness. Women who create a look of panic on his face when Joel Klein sees them coming in his direction.

When you are involved with education issues there is a pretty good bet there will be a lot of activist women involved. Now, I know some say that I have not gone into total retirement from activism precisely because of that reason, the biggest accuser being my wife.

Gail Collin's The Grizzly Manifesto column in today's Times got me to thinking about our own NYC Real Reformer version of those Sarah Palin so-called Mama Grizzlies, some of the most amazing women I have met. Four of them at this meeting are parent activists with 10 children between them. The teacher activist is childless. We were joined later by 2 more men.

But as I said, "Who needs men?"

Well, for the next 3 hours my head swiveled back and forth as if I were watching a tennis match with some of the smartest people I know lobbing one great idea after another, with a few smashes down the line. The ed deformers better get out their helmets. I basically sat there silently, drinking beer and eating just about everything the hostess put out.
Then, when the meeting ended around 8pm, two of the women and I walked over to the apartment of another Brainy Women activist who was home with her year old. My neck was aching as the three BW's continued swatting away.

Really, who needs men?

Just to let you know I am not such a nerd that I am solely turned on by women's gray matter, in terms of these particular 6 ladies, the B in BW has an additional meaning besides "brainy."

Check out Norms Notes for a variety of articles of interest: http://normsnotes2.blogspot.com/

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