Ed Notes Extended

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Educators 4 Excellence Make an Offer You Can't Refuse: Get Your School a Free Happy Hour

How nice of Evan and Sydney, who left teaching, to take money out of their pockets and offer you all a nice school party. And WOW! Become an E4E school capitano. Get all your colleagues to call for pay based on your students' test scores and get them to back Black&Bloom when they lay off thousands of teachers to keep the newest/cheapest ones and get rid of those high priced senior teachers. What they are not telling you is that their happy hours are like those free trips to resorts where they lock you in a room for hours and you have to listen to the schpiel.

Educators 4 Excellence
Dear E4E Members and Supporters,
Happy Turkey Day! Enjoy the much-deserved time off! But before you doze off into your food coma...check out this week's latest in education!
  • The drama over NYC's next schools chancellor took another turn last night. Although David Steiner, the New York State Education Commissioner, has final say in deciding whether or not Cathie Black receives the necessary waiver, four out of the eight members on his advisory panel recommended to not grant this waiver. Two others voted in favor of granting the waiver and the remaining two members voted to not grant it at this time. The Wall Street Journal covers this story and Commissioner Steiner's possible compromise of co-chancellors.
  • The New York Times reports that Mayor Bloomberg announced initial plans to cut 10,000 teachers and other city employees to balance the budget over the next two years.
  • Arne Duncan also gave a powerful interview with the Wall Street Journal's Rebecca Blumenstein about how to fix America's education system. 
  • The New York Times covers the difficulty that some failing schools are having in turning around their achievement because of decreasing enrollments in a profile of Paderewski Elementary School in Chicago.

  • Want E4E to Throw a FREE Happy Hour For Your School?!?! E-mail Ryan Black, our Outreach Director, at rblack@educators4excellence.org with your name, the name and location of your school, and approximately how many staff members and we'll set it up!

Take Action: 
  • Apply to become an E4E School Captain! Share E4E with your school! We are looking for a group of motivated individuals who are interested in becoming E4E School Captains! As a School Captain, you will have the opportunity to host E4E-sponsored events for your school, get your friends and colleagues involved, and have the chance to tie policy together with practice within your own school! 
All our best,
Evan and Sydney
E4E Co-Founders


  1. Kinda like Fox News joins a union. Wonder who's really picking up the tab.

  2. It would be great if a school with a group of gung ho teachers requested this happy hour, had their food and drink, and then showed E4E the error of their ways.

    Hook that up, Norm!

  3. Where is their money source. Who pays their salary. Who pays for the food and drink. These nogoodniks will stop at nothing to try to break Last In, First Out.

  4. Uncle Joel has sponsors to help support his foster children, Evan and Sydney.

  5. I bet they get money from DFER.

    Anyway, I'm tempted to have them do a happy hour for my school, especially since NO ONE would show up. I love how these two idiots are trying to convince teachers to give up rights they no longer have need of. As Miss Eyre (I think; correct me if I'm wrong) brilliantly said, I'm for educators actually being educators.

  6. A good door prize at one of these events should be an evening with Princess Sydney.


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