Ed Notes Extended

Friday, January 21, 2011

Press Conference at Tweed Pics

Here are a few still. Video over the weekend. The little girl went up to deliver the invitation to Cathie Black to join us on her listening tour at the rally just around the corner from Tweed this Thursday, Jan. 27. She and her mom were escorted in and delivered to invite - not directly to Black.

Jeez, was it cold.  And snow flakes too.

See: An Invitation to Cathleen Black: Make the City-wide Rally on January 27th a Stop on Your “Listening Tour”

Now I'm off to the Rockaway Theatre Company annual gala dinner where the casts and production crews from all the shows will be at the El Caribe catering hall in Brooklyn. As videographer I was never deeply involved in a show but the Odd Couple made me feel part of the operation. I made them a 20 minute highlight real of the entire season. Great material from very talented people. I'll link to it if they let me so Ed Notes readers can see what this operation is all about  - and so many teachers involved.

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