Ed Notes Extended

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dishonor Among Thieves: Merryl Tisch Wrote Letter For Cuomo That He Ostensibly Wrote to Her


NOTE: Photo of Merryl Tisch posted earlier removed at request of the source who does not believe Tisch is a crook. No comment. Normi-leaks hungry for more.

Ed Notes has learned that the letter Governor Cuomo supposedly wrote to Merryl Tisch and the State Board of Regents calling for a change from weighing teacher evaluations based on state tests from 20 to 40% was in fact written by Tisch herself with the assistance of Deputy State Ed Commissioner John King and former Tweed Chief Talent Officer Amy McIntosh (Google her name and come up with all sorts of goodies). There may be a vote on Monday.

For background see posts at Gotham where you can read the entire "Cuomo" letter:

Cuomo: test scores should play a bigger part in teacher evals by Anna Phillips

Chris Smith reads Cuomo’s position on teacher evaluation as a bargaining chip for Bloomberg. (NYMag)

John King
To watch Tisch lie through her teeth numerous times, watch this NY 1 video:  http://www.ny1.com?ArID=139094

You will fall off your chair when she talks about the governor's right to comment and all the points he is making - which are in fact they are the points she, King and McIntosh made in the letter they wrote in the name of Cuomo - he is a busy guy.

She says that parents were part of the 63 member teacher evaluation task force though not a single parent representing parent interests (as opposed to some official who is also a parent) was on the task force despite demands from parent interests to be included. The task force consisted entirely of Regents members, school administrators, teachers, academic “consultants” and other educrats.

She also claimed that teacher evaluation added an “objective” measure of teacher effectiveness and that this new system must be implemented by next fall.

Behind it all is an attempt to end LIFO and use flawed tests.

Questions will be raised this week within the UFT over what looks like a reversal of a deal the UFT made with Regent head Merryl Tisch and State Ed Commissioner David Steiner last year. Was the UFT dealt dirty or were they partners?

Go back to the original agreement between the UFT and State Ed (Tisch and soon to be ex-commissioner David Steiner. Michael Mulgrew at the Delegate Assembly where they sold the plan to the members waxed poetic (as poetic as you can imagine Mulgrew waxing) over how wonderful dealing with these two slugs was compared to Klein and Tweed. For my money, I'll take Joel Klein over Merryl Tisch any day because he lied so openly - she actually tries to give an air of integrity - for a billionaire (and Bloomberg's next door neighbor - hey, how about a rally in front of her house - kill 2 birds with one stone.)

Can't wait to watch Mulgrew skip and dance over this one at the Delegate Assembly this Wednesday.

It is interesting in perusing the 63 member list, (below the fold) you will find some UFT and NYSUT people there ostensibly representing the interests of teachers. Interesting that Tisch says there was a lot of agreement. But why believe her on this. I would love to hear more from Jackie Bennett who many respect for her thoughtful analysis (even though the tows/toes the Unity Caucus line) especially on how flawed the tests are. See here and here.

Bennett, Jackie United Federation of Teachers
Gentile, Aminda Vice President United Federation of Teachers
Hinds, Janella United Federation of Teachers
Mendel, Michael United Federation of Teachers

Adams, Heather New York State United Teachers
Neira, Maria Vice President New York State United Teachers

Some comments from the listserve:
Patrick Sullivan:
I'm pretty sure Tisch is a mom herself.    I recall her daughter wrote an op-ed calling for a Bloomberg third term.  Maybe that's what she was thinking.   I don't think Tisch would see any value in including public school parents in decisions concerning our children.

Leonie Haimson:
Merryl Tisch’s daughter Jessica , wrote that oped in favor of overturning term limits and a third term for Bloomberg, based upon his terrific record at running our schools. 

Jessica is now director of policy and planning for NYPD's Counterterrorism Bureau.

Perhaps parents could use our own counterterrorism bureau to protect our kids against the policies of the Regents and SED.
LINK: Teacher Reviews Will Put More Focus on State Tests

Posted by Leonie Haimson to NYCEDNews List:
NYS Regents now want to do end run around the law to allow state tests – which were not designed for that purpose – to account for 40% of a teacher’s evaluation,  despite all the evidence that  test-based value added evals of teachers are unreliable, unfair to teachers and damaging to kids.  This system – rushed through the Legislature to get Race to the Top funds - were originally supposed to account for 20%, with another 20% from “local assessments”.- MORE: Teacher Reviews Will Put More Focus on State Tests
The list below:

Membership Regents Task Force on Teacher and Principal Effectiveness

Adams, Heather New York State United Teachers

Ashley, Michele


Jesse Owens School, PS26 in Brooklyn

Bennett, Jackie United Federation of Teachers

Bernstein, Vicki

New York City Department of Education

Bierwirth, Jack


Herricks Union Free School District

Boling-Barton, Crystal

Pres. NYSFSA Local 10

Principal, McKinley High School

Bullowa, Jane

Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Services

Ulster BOCES

Busch Johnson, Kirsten

Executive Director, Teacher Effectiveness

Cannon, Joanna

Deputy Executive Director

New York City Department of Education

Carpenter, Amy

Middle School Math and Science Teacher

Caruso Sharpe, Stacey

Amsterdam City School District

Catapano, Nicole

Coordinator for Data Analysis

Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES

Chapin, Florence

Executive Director, Performance Management Strategy

NYC Department of Education

Cuthbert, Cynthea

Monroe Two-Orleans BOCES

Dexter, Jim

District Superintendent

Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex Counties

Duncan-Poitier, Johanna

Chancellor’s Deputy for the Education Pipeline and Vice Chancellor for Community College

Office of the Education Pipeline

Fish, Mark

MS Principal

South Glens Falls Central School District

Oliver W. Winch MS

Flynn, Kerry


North Colonie Central School District

Gasparini, Paul

HS Principal

Jamesville-Dewitt High School

Gentile, Aminda Vice President United Federation of Teachers

Glover, Michael

District Superintendent of Schools

Genesee Valley BOCES

Hinds, Janella United Federation of Teachers

Hochman, Jere


Bedford Central School District

Hughes, William

Elementary and High School Music Teacher

South Orangetown Central School District

Hunter, Jon


Fairport Central School District

Irizarry, Dafny

teacher, Central Islip

Jaeger, Lloyd


Millbrook Central School District

Keane, Demetra

Assistant Professor

Department of Literacy and Multilingual Education

Mercy College

Kessler, Richard

Executive Director

The Center for Arts Education

Lankford, Hamilton

Researcher, Advisor to the Task Force

Lucariello, Joan

University Dean for Education

The City University of New York

Mahony, John

Career and Technical Teacher

Aviation Technology, Questar III BOCES

McDermott, Michael


Scarsdale Middle School

McNally, Peter

CSA Executive Vice Pres. & President of NYSFSA

Mendel, Michael United Federation of Teachers

Mooney, Paul


Howard G. Sackett

Jefferson-Lewis BOCES

Neira, Maria Vice President New York State United Teachers

Nickson, Donald

Deputy Executive Director

School Administrators Association of NYS

Nieves, Sonia

CSA Executive Board

Ogno, Christopher

ES Principal

NYC Schools

P.S. 247

Orr, Terry

Director, Future School Leaders Academy

Bank Street College of Education

Pagerey, Ruth

Assistant Dean for Professional Studies

SUNY University at Albany

Perez, Joseph

Southern Westchester BOCES

Perez, Viviana


WHEELS – Washington Heights Expeditionary Learning School

Picarello, John

Special Education Principal

Nassau BOCES

Rosemary Kennedy Center

Ratner, Joel

District Music Coordinator

Brentwood School District

Rider, Deborah

Secondary Principal

Rochester City School District

Rider, Lori

Avon Central School District

Rock, Karen

Plattsburgh City School District

Rockoff, Jonah

Researcher, Advisor to the Task Force

Rozran, Jeff

Syosset School District

Scott, Anne

Chief of Schools, Northwest Zone

Rochester City School District

Siegel Karen

Elementary School Principal

South Huntington Union Free School District

Sokol, Pilar

Deputy General Counsel

New York State School Boards Association

Van Dusen, Penny

teacher, Utica City School District

Van Nest, Elizabeth

Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel

Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities

Vazquez, David


The Urban Assembly Bronx Studio School for Writers and Artists

Waslawski, James


Winer, Sue

Instructional Literacy Coach

Syracuse City School District

Worona, Jay

General Counsel

New York State School Boards Association

Wyckoff, James,

Researcher, Advisor to the Task Force


  1. Wow. Deception and deceit. Combine this with the illuminating article in today's NYPost on the nefarious doings of Bloomy's "non-profits". Truly, when I read Cuomo's comments on Capitol Confidential regarding teacher evaluations, I KNEW, it was blatantly obvious, the words did not belong to him.
    Thank you, thank you for this insightful article.
    Friend in Buffalo.

  2. Check out the NYPost's MGoodwin article-truly rags on the emperor

  3. I gave the 5th grade CTB math test last week. The test was a piece of garbage. I sent the following feedback to the folks at CTB. I'm sure I'll get an immediate response-
    6 out of the 41 questions in Book 1 had glaring flaws. That's nearly 15% poorly written questions! Question # 3: 3 girls divide the shells they find equally and use this equation to find how many shells in all. What would they do to solve the equation? Why would they use N over 3 = 12 to find the total # of shells? Why wouldn't they simply count or multiply what each of them had by 3. The premise of a question has to make some sort of logical sense or your quality control should throw out the question. Question # 14: A gallon of paint covers 400 square feet. Nick estimates he needs 1/2 gallon to paint a wall 11x18. How did he make this estimate? Multiply 10 by 20 and then divide by 400; Multiply 10 by 20 and then divide into 400. 200/400 can be read 200 divided by 400 or 200 divided into 400, can it not? What skill are you testing for here? What information about student learning can the results on this question tell you? Question # 23: Emma and Hannah plant flowers. Emma plants 7/16; Hannah plants 5/16 of flowers. Which of these shows most reasonable estimation of fraction of flowers they planted. Since you have the same denominator, the logical approach to this question is to add 7/16 and 5/16 and then simplify to 3/4. To round off 7/16 to 1/2 and 5/16 to 1/4 is not the best way to solve this problem. What message are you sending to students when you solve a problem in an unreliable way? Is there any rhyme or reason to rounding off fractions? You round the 7/16 up; you round the 5/16 down- is there any rule that you are recommending the students follow? Rough estimation should not be used if an exact solution can be found in less time with no guess work! Question # 29: Answer not in doubt but question does not say anything about whether or not the roller coaster trips ran full, mostly full or half empty so the calculation is not reasonable. Question # 31: Difference between two times in swimming races is .002 second. Which pair of times in swimming races could represent actual times in Herbert's swimming races? The only 'correct' answer is .006 and .008. So you're saying that actual times in swimming races are 6 thousandths and 8 thousandths of a second?? Did no one proof read this stuff. Why not make it 48.006 seconds- this could represent an actual time but not .006 of a second! Question # 39: Digging ditches with line graph showing progress but question didn't specify beginning of day or end of day so at least 2 answers were possible.
    I was appalled by how sloppily this test was written. Day 2 was just silly. How can a student explain how he added 11 hours to 9 o'clock in the morning? What are you looking for here? How does a student 'explain' how he chose the biggest number of a list of 5 numbers? How does student explain how he comes up with an equation with one variable and two constants? As far as I could judge, the results of this test will be virtually meaningless-
    Matt Frisch
    PS 163

  4. Her bro-in-law is CEO of k-12, the nation's largest ed services company...Hmmmm...conflcit of interests anyone . . . ?


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