Ed Notes Extended

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Walcott Visits District 6: A Parent Report

I used to praise Joel Klein for his ability to alienate people - he really was our best organizer. At the very least I thought Walcott would have the ability to deflect people. But it is turning out he has that old Klein magic touch.

UPDATED Friday, 11/11, 6PM
Leonie posted Tory's email on the NYCParent blog with links, etc.

Dennis Walcott infuriates parents once again, this time in District 6

On Thursday November 10, the Community Education Council in Northern Manhattan hosted a Town Hall meeting with Chancellor Dennis Walcott.  The CEC prepared an excellent power point containing key data about the district, along with specific questions for the Chancellor.  It was a contentious meeting, according to all reports; see the Gotham Schools story.  Unfortunately, despite lots of PR spin about "partnering with parents," there is no evidence that Walcott is willing to listen to parents and shift away from the wrong-headed and damaging policies of his predecessor, Joel Klein, including repeated budget cuts, class size increases, worsening overcrowding, preferential treatment of charter schools with continued co-locations , and incessant testing. Here is the account of the meeting from Victoria Frye, CEC 6 member and public school parent:  
We described the issues facing our schools: too little resources to provide a quality education; overcrowded schools; disgraceful school conditions; budget cuts; co-locations; THE LIST GOES ON!

Tonight the District 6 CEC hosted a Town Hall with Chancellor Dennis Walcott.
We described the issues facing our schools: too little resources to provide a quality education; overcrowded schools; disgraceful school conditions; budget cuts; co-locations; THE LIST GOES ON! 
With each, Dennis Walcott got up and...spouted the party line:
  • "The reality is that in this economy there will be mid-year budget cuts."
  • "With shrinking budgets, leaders must be creative."
  • "By creating school choice we are allowing the market place to drive the issues."
  • "I respect Joel Klein tremendously. I think the world of Joel Klein."
  • "There are no plans in our capital budget for a new facility for Mott Hall*."
  • And then something along the lines of: "your D6 schools are so bad that we will not replicate or grow them; we will simply bring in [charters that really know how to educate your D6 children."
What to say?
* The only program for gifted D6 IS students and a national model. 
Victoria (Tory) Frye, member CEC6


  1. He is nothing but a puppet. His strings are being pulled by the dictator mayor who will not be happy until he destroys the NYC public school system and the teacher's union.

  2. He actually sounds worse than Klein...oh those lines are just awful!

  3. Just read the latest DA report over at ICE, and there will be more budget cuts this school year.

    Mulgrew made it a point that teachers should NOT support all protests. Wonder what he was talking about??? Keep up the good work. Occupy the DoE has got his attention!!

    Mulgrew is still supporting Danielson through "professional development".

    And if ATRs are having problems, he points to a few hundred that have been placed and refuses to answer the concerns of others not placed.

    He also said the ATR program is saving the city money. I really don't get that at all. Principals are hiring day to day subs for positions.

    Personally, I don't think it's fair that ATRs can leave HELL at the end of a week while the teachers that are still "working hard" have to endure the hardships.
    What's wrong with that picture??

    Walcott btw is a seasoned politician. He knows how to play the game and worked side by side with Klein. The student has surpassed the master.


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