Ed Notes Extended

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Panel for Educational Puppets Meeting Dec. 14 - HELP STAMP OUT EVIL MOSOWITZ

Graphic by Mattew X. Curinga

Eva spends $1.5 million to pump up phony demand for her schools and then ends up with public school buildings built with public funding. 
They are organizing planes, trains and automobiles to send people from Harlem to tell people in Brooklyn why they need Success charter schools - at a meeting being held in Queens.

Here is an email I received from someone based in an HSA school on how they are organizing:
A conversation I overheard this morning between two HSA parents. They were talking about getting parents to attend the PEP mtg. One was explaining her reasoning (and I paraphrase): we need to go to this mtg to explain that our children need space. These other parents don't understand. They think we are after their space. We are not. It would be easier if the DOE just explained to or told these parents that their school was closing so they would not think we are taking their space. They would know that it is simply space available that we need/can have.
Interesting! Wonder what eve know about doe plans to close schools before the public knows? Or will they continue their MO of closing them for her..... Clearly the brainwashing of parents is continuing in lieu of the truth being told....
See a short 3 minute video from the press conference that took place on Thursday outside of Eva Moskowitz's Success Charter School Offices in Harlem. 

Recent Brooklyn Rail piece on D15 Co-location by Liza Featherstone:
Here's a report of Cornel West visit to a school targeted by HSA from DNA info.

From Occupy DOE:

The Panel for Educational Puppets (sorry, Policy!) is meeting this Wednesday at 6PM at Newtown High School in Queens to decide on a number of charter co-locations into existing public schools. Occupy the DOE believes that the PEP is illegitimate, undemocratic and should not be empowered to make decisions affecting public school students, parents and workers. Occupy the DOE also believes that charter co-locations create "separate and unequal" educational institutions in this city. We believe in equal public education for ALL students.

The Department of Education is literally RUNNING SCARED and undemocratically switched the December PEP meeting from Manhattan to Queens, despite the fact that no Queens schools are being discussed. The DOE also recently set up new permitting laws for any political activity happening on their steps, forced participants in the October PEP to submit comment cards instead of allowing parents real voices in the meeting (don't worry, we shut it down!), and at the November PEP, gave out headphones to audience members to make sure participants could shut out the terrifying sound of democracy. 

What will they do next? What will WE do next? 

We need YOU to OCCUPY the PEP this Wednesday! 

Be there by 5:30PM, we don't want to start the meeting without you...


1. The Panel for Educational Puppets will take place in the auditorium of Newtown High School, 48-01 90th Street, Queens, NY, 11373. 
2. Get on the BUS! Occupy the DOE requested that the UFT provide buses to those from Brooklyn who would like to attend. They will leave at 4PM from UFT Brooklyn Headquarters on 335 Adams Street. You can get on this bus by filling out this form. There will also be buses leaving from District 15. Email misskellz@gmail.com for more information.
3. . Drive there! If you have extra room in your car, that means you have space to bring friends, coworkers, kids...
4.  Find subway directions here. 


1. Your voice! Everyone should plan to sign-up when entering to speak your mind. If you think the allotted 2 minutes isn't enough, we encourage you to use the people's microphone to continue speaking. 
2. Signs, banners, photographs! The PEP may not care about our voice but the people do! Lets let the PEP know how outnumbered they really are. 
3. A sock (yep, you read that right, A SOCK!)


1. Look for educational opportunities before, after and during the meeting.  Email e.h.bell@gmail.com if you are interested in doing a testimonial about why you are at the PEP. We will do our best to compile these.  
2. This will be one of many occupations of the PEP. If you would like to be part of the planning of these in the future, please come to Occupy the DOE meetings every Sunday @3PM at 60 Wall Street. Next week we will be discussing how to stop the proposed school closings. Join us!

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