Ed Notes Extended

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Community Board 1 Takes Stand Against Moskowitz Invasion

Eva Moskowitz is one of the greatest organizing tools we've had. The school closings and charter insertion policies of the ed deformers are galvanizing long-dormant communities around the city. (I was at an intense meeting in Far Rockaway last night over the closing of PS 215 that drew a large crowd of teachers and parents and the Queens UFT political action people - I'll report on that later.)

This came in from Pat Dobosz who works and resides in Dist. 14 in Williamsburg.
CB 1 in Williamsburg/Greenpoint voted for a proposal today, presented by its Education Committee, taking a stand against Eva Moskowitz's Success Academy coming into JHS 50. It also voted for a proposal telling the DOE that the community wants direct input into what is going to be happening at PS 19 BEFORE any phase out takes place. The president of the committee will be sending me a copy of the resolutions and I will forward them. We all know that Eva gets what she wants, but it's important that our CB has taken a stand on our schools, something that has not happened in at least 20 years. (The other schools that she has invaded in our school district are not in CB 1, but CB 3). next month they will be dealing with Williamsburg charter and the two other Believe schools.

Also tomorrow and Thursday, the committee will be meeting with parents from both schools in preparation for the upcoming hearings on January 17 (JHS 50) and January 18 (PS 19). I will also forward those times when I receive them (I believe they are at 6 PM).
Janine, a former D. 14 parent, commented:
Bravo to CB1!
I suppose we can thank Eva and the charter movement (and all other privatizing entities out there) for helping us (finally) build back our communities. A silver lining, perhaps?

Potential Law Suit against Success Academy in Cobble Hill

This Friday, January 13th at 5:30pm there is an IMPORTANT MEETING for District 15 parents interested in being plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the placement of the Cobble Hill Success Academy in District 15. Lawyers will be there to discuss the legal arguments and what is involved in being a plaintiff. The meeting will be held at 2-4 Nevins Street in downtown Brooklyn, on the 2nd floor.

All are welcome to come, ask questions, and sign up to be involved.
Please call 203.313.2479 with any questions.

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