Ed Notes Extended

Sunday, January 22, 2012

High School Student Inspired to Teach After Viewing GEM Film

GEM received this email the other day from high school student Natalie Janson from Washington State, who found inspiration to become a teacher in our film.

Gina Belafonte's column in today's Sunday Times (Petty Differences Mask Consensus on Teachers  --- I would say "not so petty") which in some ways is misinformed, talks about the film “Bad Teacher.” Belafonte closes with, "Maybe what teaching needs is a new movie that makes it seem as hot as Condé Nast."

Well people should email Gina at bigcity@nytimes.com to tell her about the impact of the GEM film, The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman (which is being screened at 2 and 4PM today at the Spectacle Theater  124 South 3rd St in Williamsburg with a discussion with some of the filmmakers -- me included -- afterwards.

Reprinted with Natalie's permission. Natalie is also on her school's FIRST Robotics team.
My name is Natalie Janson and I am senior in high school in Washington State. My mother is a teacher in Portland, Oregon, and ever since I was little I have wanted to follow in her footsteps. I love volunteering in her classroom and having second graders hug me before they went home for the day.
Recently, my mother and I watched Waiting for Superman, and were somewhat heated about what they had to say. We found your response video, requested a copy and watched it tonight. As I am looking into my college majors, I have started to veer away from teaching and always considered that I would wind up teaching sooner or later. Lately however, I had my heart set on working in the sciences. During the movie, my mom looked over at me and said, "You're going to end up teaching aren't you?"
Your movie has re-sparked my interest in education. I have always set big goals for myself, and now want to be the Head of the Department of Education and I want to make a difference for everyone. Even if that doesn't happen though, I know I want to make a difference in the lives of children as my educators have done for me. They have inspired me to inspire others, and so has your movie.
Thank you for reminding me what my dream was.

Natalie Janson

Team Mean Machine, 2471

Secretary & PR Lead

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  1. Son't do it Natalie. You'll be sorry.

  2. That should say Don't do it Natalie; you'll be sorry.


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