Ed Notes Extended

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Massive Opposition to Moskowitz in Williamsburg/UFT Occupy PEP

So much going on today: UDT DA (4PM) , PEP (6PM), PS 19 school closing hearing in Williamsburg (6PM). Don't have much time as I gotta leave to take my wife into the city for her follow-up exam after her cataract operation yesterday --- she finally got to see who she married after 40 years.

So, last night was really spectacular at MS 50 though you wouldn't know it from any press reports. Eva gets 5 parents on her side and there are a thousand against but the press always interviews one on each side as if it's equal. Thus this NY 1 report

A proposed charter school is splitting the Williamsburg community in half, but while opponents turned out in force for a hearing Tuesday, the program is expected to be approved by the Panel for Educational Policy. NY1’s Lindsey Christ filed the following report.

In half? It was more like 500-1.
And the northside came out to support the southside.

More later.


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1 comment:

  1. Firstly, congratulations to you and your wife. The marvels of modern science are outstanding.

    Second, please check your spelling and dates. You don't make a strong case for yourself with typos like that.

    Lastly, please read the following article:

    Thank you,


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