Ed Notes Extended

Monday, January 9, 2012

Sir Ken Robinson - Blowing Up Standardized Testing and Common Core Standards -the Linchpins of Ed Deform

11 minutes of magic.

Wed. JAN. 11 5:30PM

I was at a meeting Friday called by Noah Gotbaum to discuss actions we can take to battle school closings and charter co-locations. Many of the stake-holders were in the room, including the UFT and their allies the Coalition for Educational Justice(CEJ) and the Alliance for Educational Quality (AQE), along with groups like CPE, GEM, and other activists, including students from some closing schools - at least 40 or more coming out at 4:30 on a Friday afternoon. (And at least 40-50 came out for the Occupy DOE meeting Sunday afternoon - mostly different from Friday). Pretty impressive and a sign the reaction to ed deform is brewing all over the city and the nation - see Chicago (Activists Turn the Tables at Chicago Closing School Hearing).

Patrick Walsh, a chapter leader from Harlem in a co-located school with Moskowitz' Success Academy which has helped drive him into activism, spoke early in the Friday meeting, pointing high stakes standardized testing as the ultimate culprit that must be defeated. (NOTE: Not that there shouldn't be testing but they shouldn't be the major determiner of student progress, teacher jobs and the life or death of a neighborhood school).

I know this has been around for a while but I was reminded today of this Sir Ken Robinson animate video viewed by over 6 million people in an email from Paul Thomas who I met in Reefton, New Zealand on my recent trip. Paul is a former government official who retired and came to Reefton, which was a dying gold mining town and he has almost single-handedly turned it around by starting a variety of businesses. We got to talking education and he said some wonderful things which I have video of but just no time (am I retired or what?) to work on it. He was impressed by this video and promised to send me the link.

This animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA's Benjamin Franklin award. (For more information on Sir Ken's work visit: http://www.sirkenrobinson.com).

Sir Ken Robinson: Changing Education Paradigms 


Wed. JAN. 11 5:30PM

There is a lot of activity going on and we've been doing some great work in the past few months. The truth about testing pamphlet is pretty much ready to go to the printer (come Wednesday if you want to provide last edits!) and the new opt-out petition (sign it here!)  is up and running. Woo! We're working on the workshop geared towards parents which should be ready to go soon as well, and we can hopefully start getting into schools and CECs soon. But there is so much work to be done, and neat ideas have been bouncing around. Want to do flash mobs? Build for a city-wide student walk out on a regents testing day in the spring? Lots to discuss and plan. Don't miss Wednesday's meeting at the CUNY graduate center, 5:30 pm in room 5414.

PS... sign the petition
See Fred Smith in the Washington Post:

Putting New York’s testing program on trial

This was written by Fred Smith, a retired New York City Board of Education senior analyst who worked for the city public school system in test research and development. In this post he writes about New York state’s standardized testing program for students. Though his comments are specific to New York, the same types of problems are prevalent in other states as well.

Check out Norms Notes for a variety of articles of interest: http://normsnotes2.blogspot.com/. And make sure to check out the side panel on the right for important bits.

1 comment:

  1. The HST committee is meeting on january 11 not 12th.


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