Ed Notes Extended

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

March 1 - Stand UP! Speak OUT!

Calling all students, parents, teachers, education workers and community members to take part in a national day of action to defend public education...

Stand UP!  Speak OUT!

Join Right to Education, Occupy the DOE and Southside Community Schools Coalition for:

2PM MARCH starting @ Department of Education Headquarters (52 Chambers Street)
led by Right to Education

4PM SPEAK OUT @ Fort Greene Park (Dekalb Avenue side)
facilitated by Occupy the DOE and Right to Education

5PM PRESS CONFERENCE @ Brooklyn Technical HS (Dekalb and Ft. Greene Place) 
led by Southside Community Schools Coalition

At 6PM the Panel for Educational Policy will vote to co-locate more charter schools in public schools. Various students, parents, educators and community organizations have called to boycott the PEP.


March 10 - STATE OF THE UNION PART 2: TIME TO FIGHT BACK ---- See Norms Notes for a variety of articles of interest: http://normsnotes2.blogspot.com/. And make sure to check out the side panel on the right for important bits.

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