Ed Notes Extended

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Students and Parents to Target Mayor’s Appointees to Panel for Educational Policy For “Crimes Against New Yorkers” With Office Visits

About time. Hold them personally responsible for their support for the slaughter of the public school system. Coming next round: visits to their homes?

Students and parents fed-up with PEP “puppets” who vote for failed Bloomberg policies despite overwhelming opposition from New Yorkers

Several of mayor’s rubber-stamping picks to decision-making body for schools employed by City-funded groups, approve Bloomberg plans every time

New York City public school parents and students will descend Wednesday on the mayor’s appointees to the City’s decision-making body for schools, delivering charges of “crimes against New Yorkers” to some members for rubber-stamping controversial Bloomberg education policies that have disproportionately targeted low-income Black and Latino communities in the face of overwhelming public opposition—all while they drew paychecks from organizations funded by the mayor’s administration.

The group will charge three Panel for Educational Policy (PEP) members each with three “crimes”: violation of civil rights, breach of the public trust and conflict of interest.  As probable cause for the charges, the group will list its evidence, including the members’ employment at organizations dependent on taxpayer money allocated directly from the Bloomberg Administration while they’ve been mayoral appointees; their 100 percent voting record in favor of the mayor’s proposals; and the fact that – despite constant protests, thousands of parents and students flooding their meetings to demand they reject the mayor’s plans, and poll after poll showing that the vast majority of New Yorkers disagree with their votes – the panel members have passed proposal after proposal resulting in disproportionate de-funding of low-income Black and Latino communities.

The parents will visit the mayor’s PEP appointees at their offices on Wednesday to deliver these charges, and demand that the members stand to face their accusers at a public hearing.

Created in 2002, the PEP was formed to replace the now defunct Board of Education as the governmental body that makes major decisions about the City’s education system, and approves significant policy and spending initiatives made by the mayor and the Department of Education (DOE).  School closures, for instance, must be approved by the PEP.  The PEP is made up of eight mayoral appointees and an appointee from each of the five borough presidents.  The mayoral appointees often vote against the appointees of the borough presidents.

WHEN:           Wednesday, March 7th – 2:30 to 4:30 PM (three visits)

WHERE:       2:30 PM: CUNY headquarters / 535 E. 80th St.
3:30 PM: Inwood House / 320 E. 82nd St.
4:30 PM: CUNY offices / 555 W. 57th St.

WHO:             The parents will visit the mayor’s PEP appointees at their offices on Wednesday to deliver these charges, and demand that the members stand to face their accusers at a public hearing.
March 10 - STATE OF THE UNION PART 2: TIME TO FIGHT BACK ---- See Norms Notes for a variety of articles of interest: http://normsnotes2.blogspot.com/. And make sure to check out the side panel on the right for important bits.


  1. Really great blog.I'm going to read your other posts. Take care. Keep sharing.

  2. Lisette Nieves learned fast after Brooklyn College. It's easier and more lucrative to cozy up to the 1% than to struggle for your beliefs.
    Another Black/Latino/Latina being used as smokescreen. So much for this Rhodes scholar.


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