Ed Notes Extended

Monday, June 4, 2012

Breaking: Charter Schools Cut School Day, Use Parents, Teachers and Kids as Political Tools

...teachers are being forced to go since it is happening during their work day, and students and parents are bribed into going via free bus transportation, and the promise of "face painters, magicians, and all sorts of fun things" upon arrival [at City Hall on June 6].
This just came in from an anonymous charter school teacher. Still unconfirmed but if it happens there has to be some violation of some ed law. But if it does take place on what would be normal school time whatever violations there are will be ignored. I know Eva and crew have lots of gall but if this actually happens on school time even I will be shocked.

I follow your blog, and was wondering what you know about the big charter school rally that's supposed to happen June 6. Apparently, Eva is very worried that a new mayor will undo all the pro-charter school policies implemented by Bloomberg over the last few years. Thus, it is my understanding that a whole bunch of charter schools are going to end school early this Wednesday so that students, parents, and teachers can attend a rally outside city hall just to create the impression that there is wide support for expanding charter schools, when in fact, teachers are being forced to go since it is happening during their work day, and students are parents are bribed into going via free bus transportation, and the promise of "face painters, magicians, and all sorts of fun things" upon arrival. The whole thing seems very fishy and manipulative to me. I'm wondering if you have any more information on this, and/or if you would be able to mobilize your networks to do a counterprotest, or at least expose the deception behind Wednesday's rally. I guarantee you there will be busloads of children going to city hall this Wednesday to "protest," since they have the afternoon off.

Since I currently work for a charter school, I'll rather remain anonymous, but I appreciate the work you do. Your blog has helped me recognize the political mess I've put myself into by working where I work, and I'm trying to get out as soon as possible.

This email is a sign of disaffection among charter school teachers. I would hope some of them join up with the new caucus MORE. Hmmm. Maybe a MORE charter school chapter.

The opinions expressed on EdNotesOnline are solely those of Norm Scott and are not to be taken as official positions (though Unity Caucus/New Action slugs will try to paint them that way) of any of the groups or organizations Norm works with: ICE, GEM, MORE, Change the Stakes, NYCORE, FIRST Lego League NYC, Rockaway Theatre Co., Active Aging, The Wave, Aliens on Earth, etc.


  1. If the public schools were doing this, the Post and News would be all over it. But since it charters, Bloomberg and Walcott are rolling out the red carpet.

  2. Blah, blah, blah. There is no manipulation, teachers are not forced to go. Families in favor of school choice organized this rally. Yes, we're dismissing early, which means we're in school from 7:30-1:30, which is about 5 hours of instruction (no specials). Last I checked this is about the length of a regular public school day.

  3. Blah, blah, blah? Whether you are a parent, student or teacher, this kind of attitude is exactly what is wrong with ill informed supporters of charter schools. Some are just young, have no experience being in a union, no understanding of the importance of unions from a historical perspective, some never working at a public school so have nothing to compare, and cannot understand what is happening on the larger political platform. If you support charter schools without any reservations whatsoever, you are supporting a right wing agenda in which unions (of all public sectors- police, fire dept, etc.- please see stories on Wisconsin's Governor Walker debacle) are weakened and government leaders tell public employees that they have little to no rights or voice. Please don't be fooled, charter school networks ARE manipulating teachers into attending this rally. There was you are out early- let's go, get on the bus, no opt out attitude. Some teachers did not attend, but from my research into the issue, the option to make a different political statement, by saying that you would not attend the rally, was NOT welcome. If you support school choice, then push the rich corporations who fund charter schools (right wing Walmart) to start supporting improving ALL striving schools, not just ones in which they have total control over how students, parents, and teachers are treated. And start promoting COLLABORATION between the best charter schools and the best public schools in order to really understand what works and what does not, so you can really have the choice of the best schools, not just different ones.


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