Ed Notes Extended

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Karen Lewis Kicks TFA Veep the Creep David Rosenberg's Ass Down the Road

To David Rosenberg, Shanda! Shame on you for such a paranoid rant. If you had nothing of which to be guilty, those words would have rolled off your back.... Karen Lewis
a town like Sandy Hook would laugh at the very idea of a TFA 6 week wonder teaching their kids. 
I kvell at the growing relationship between Karen Lewis and Diane Ravitch. Today Karen, who let me remind everyone, came straight out of a high school chemistry classroom to lead the CTU, comes to Diane's defense over the loose cannon attacks by a TFA slimeball named David Rosenberg -- (not cousin David Rosenberg, thank goodness, who is also my accountant). I wonder of TFA leadership is bummed that the Sandy Hook teachers are AFT and not one of them is a TFA ---and we know why -- a town like Sandy Hook would laugh at the very idea of a 6 week TFA wonder teaching their kids.

You can read the background at Diane's blog: Karen Lewis Reacts to the Kerfuffle

Here is Karen's comment:
Diane, et. al.
I have read these posts (alas I do not do Twitter), and I am struck by the lack of authenticity by the Rosenberg comment. Diane has been at the forefront of the desire to lift up the beleaguered profession of teaching in each and every post. She has drawn the connections between people who wouldn't think of sending their children to public schools and their policies that are destroying the common good. Anyone who doesn't know that in the marrow of their bones, doesn't read her blog.

On the other, the educrats who do not agree with her, read her posts, too so as to keep abreast of her thoughts and are ready to pounce if they see an opening. There might have been a time where "politicizing" tragic events, especially mass shootings was thought to be in poor taste. That has changed with the 24/7 news cycle that continues to focus far too much time and energy on the perpetrator of the massacre than that of our precious victims. Rosenberg's "false outrage" needs to be checked. That same false outrage should show itself when policies his colleagues support kill and disenfranchise children from schools across this nation. We in Chicago have been the victims of their experiments on our children since the current secretary of Education "ran" CPS.

The accolades heaped on a group of education missionaries, (hopefully with beautiful intent on the part of the TFA teachers) cannot go unchallenged. Diane does that. Day in and day out, she champions rank and file educators and the hard work they do. She has a special place in heart for those who see the value of the classroom and not as stepping stone to a more lucrative career or the opportunism of self-promoters like Michelle Rhee who, with her lies about her own classroom experience has catapulted herself into the welcoming arms of those who hate unions, tenure and anything else that provides due process and gives teachers real voice.

To David Rosenberg, Shanda! Shame on you for such a paranoid rant. If you had nothing of which to be guilty, those words would have rolled off your back.


  1. Thanks for posting this Norm. TFA worms like Rosenberg shrivel when exposed to sunlight, and Karen definitely cleared the clouds here.

  2. Karen Lewis is truly a teacher's teacher of modeling great leadership. She stands up for what is right and demands respect for those who believe in public education. She's paving the way for others in the leadership position to emulate her chutzpah of not tolerating the deformers' shameful acts.

    Kudos to Karen!


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