Ed Notes Extended

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Brooklyn Parents in Williamsburg/Greenpoint File Suit Against SUNY Charter Board

The crooks at SUNY would authorize a KKK charter without even asking if the sheets were washed. Eva Moskowitz and husband Eric Grannis with his Citizens of the World Charter are handed swaths of public school buildings. Our pals at WAGPOPS are not standing still for it and have found some real goodies and possible violations of state law.

Check out the details here http://www.scribd.com/doc/122236115/WAGPOPS-lawsuit-against-SUN where you can download and read at your pleasure.


  1. A total waste of time and money. This suit is going nowhere.

  2. Anonymous, The lawsuit is pro bono. And the suit is going forward. The NYC DOE is next. Approving "Citizens of the World Charter School" through sneaky and underhanded means against the will of the larger community is pretty disturbing. No one wanted it to come to this. But, unfortunately, sometimes the only recourse for "the people" in democracy, is the courts.


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