Ed Notes Extended

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Seven Habits of Happy Kids in 5 SI Schools: Teacher Charges Religious Infiltration

I don't know anything about this but a teacher at one of these schools contacted me with this info and I'm throwing it out there for comment from anyone who knows something about it. The costs to a school -- 30-50 grand sounds so excessive and as the teacher points out these costs come as the loss of major services. But we shouldn't assume that the teacher is correct in charging a connection to religion. This program is about character education and we should question whose values are being promoted when we do character education. Given some bad history in the Mormon church on race I do wonder exactly how they view character in the black community, especially given the repressive charter school restrictions.
A total of 5 schools are currently implementing the "7 Habits of Happy Kids." PS 21 in Staten Island, P.S. 53... 330 Durant Ave. SI and P.S. 23 in Richmond Town and PS 39 near Grasmere in SI.

We are being told it is not a "pilot" but a real "program" to be used. After sitting through some training I couldn't help but feel it's "cultish" vibe. So I researched Sean Covey and found he is a mormon with relations to the Seventh Day Adventist ... hence SEVEN habits.

It is a clear religious agenda being implemented into our PUBLIC schools. The children and teachers are being trained to use special vocabulary from the seven habits. We had to create mission statements...when in fact Mr. Covey's organization does not have a mission statement.

This is costing each principal of the five schools somewhere btwn. 30 and $50,000...money that should obviously be spent in the classroom to support students who CONSTANTLY lose services due to staffing issues.

In London, Ontario, Canada they tried to use the School Board to try to implement Covey's beliefs but the community and teachers fought against it and won!!!! We are in a SAD, SAD state if we are allowing 'religious' beliefs into our Public School System ....any thoughts? anything can be done?

BTW...TWEED has been visiting the 5 schools this year to determine if it is something ALL schools will do next year.

Paul Proscia works at the Regent and sends out the emails. Also, he held a workshop for teachers last week at 21 and attended the PTA meeting at P.S. 53 on Thursday night...this is PURE madness to me. TWEED was at PS 21 last week as well...teachers were instructed to put on the show so they will implement it next school year across the city.


  1. If you dont know anything about it then you should not be putting inaccurate information online. Its dangerous when we post information as truth, especially when it's not true. Very sad when the ignorant are impowered!!!!!

    1. Rather than calling it ignorant why not provide responses. First and foremost to me is what is the cost and what resources are provided for the cost? And given the cuts in so many programs is this worth taking away from other programs? And yes, what is the connection to the programs being pushed by the church? And given some attitudes in the past in a mostly white church what is the approach to African American children when talking about "character" education given different cultural attitudes and some of the character education going on that involves harsh discipline? All legit questions to address, none of which you did.


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