We will be instituting a new way of following up on culture infractions for 2013 using water boarding.
Cultural infractions at Success Academy
Coming Soon: I will attend all bogus political events Eva maneuvers me into.
Not adhering to these rules will get their ass tossed right back to the local loser public school you trash came from.
Hello Success Academy Families,
Happy 2013! Attached please find a copy of the Parent Contract that you signed at the beginning of the year for your reference. You do NOT need to submit the contract again; this is simply for your reference.
As we enter the new year we would like to reiterate the expectations around school culture. Attached you will find a copy of the Success Academy School Contract that you signed at the beginning of this school year. Please review your contract. We will be instituting a new way of following up on culture infractions for 2013.
Success Academy Charter Schools Parent/Guardian Contract
As a Success Academy Parent, I pledge to take ACTION to succeed in the following ways:
I will teach, model, and live by the Success Academy values every day. I will inspire my child to love learning and strive to be exemplary.
I understand that every minute of instructional time counts. I will ensure that my child attends school every day.
I will notify the school of an excused absence no later than 8:15am on the day of the absence and send my child with a note when he/she returns to school.
I will ensure that my child arrives at Success Academy every day by 7:45am.
I will pick up my child on time.
I will read and check carefully all papers and flyers that my child brings home.
I will ensure that my child completes and turns in all homework assignments on time.
I will read to my kindergarten, first, and second grade children every night and complete all reading logs by the due date.
I will ensure that my third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade children read every night and complete all reading logs by the due date.
I will be an active member of my school community. I will interact with Success Academy staff frequently and call my child’s teacher before problems arise.
I will respond to school communications within 24 hours.
I will treat all members of the Success Academy team with respect.
I will ensure that my child observes the guidelines for expected behavior at Success Academy.
I will make sure my child comes to school in his/her complete uniform ready to learn every day.
I will attend all family meetings and academic events
I pledge to follow these steps to ensure success. I understand that these school policies are essential to the success of my child. I will succeed.
Child’s Name: _____________________________________________________ Date:__________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name Printed _____________________________________
And? Asking parents to get kids to school on time and ready to learn is not a particularly lofty expectation.