Ed Notes Extended

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Julie Cavanagh Challenges Cathie Black on Schools She Chose for Her Children, UFT's Michael Mendel Confronts Black

Watch Julie in action here. OK. I'm going to be bi-partisan here by presenting strong speeches by both Julie and Michael at a PEP event. Why? Because I like Michael who I used to sit behind at NY Ranger games and have always had a cordial relationship with, as he does with most people. I do not consider him a Unity slug. Besides, I'm too lazy to re-edit the tape.

Note Julie's strong challenge to Black on the resources at the school she sent her children -- class sizes of 12 with an experienced teaching staff. This was the Jan. 2011 PEP. And by the way, Julie helped organize a rally at City Hall that month where 200 people showed up despite it being a snow day with about 15 inches. Mendel was supposed to speak at that rally but called me to say he was snowed in. Leo Casey took his place and we used footage of Leo in our film. Mendel makes a strong statement. I wish the UFT leadership always acted accordingly.



  1. How's about something with Julie from 2012 or 2013?

  2. Yeah, I'm working on getting all the pregnancy and birth video. Maybe conception too.

    1. Don't know whether to call you a pervert or remind you that's a long ass gestation period.

  3. Am I the only one wondering who is actually posting on MORE's site under the moniker "Morecaucusnyc"? Seems shady. Who is it, Norm? Why the secrecy? Come out, come out, great and powerful Oz!

    1. I'll be honest and serious with you for a change. Sort of. Do you think they let ME post there? I know you are wondering at the quality work there so you know it is not me. You will never see Unity called a slug or gutless worms, unfortunately. My major disagreement with MORE is that they give you guys too much of a break.
      So even thinking it might be me means you have lost touch with reality. There are actually a team of bloggers who have volunteered. And nothing gets posted until it is run through a committee. So that's why no bylines. But some might be coming when there is not unanimous agreement. No one is hiding.

    2. Sorry to let you down but I never thought it was you. Their blog article posts show a certain tact that you don't exhibit.

      And actually, I'm not asking about the articles that are posted, I'm asking about the responses made by "Morecaucusnyc" to the articles and specifically to other comments. Who's writing those? Don't lie to me and say that all of the responses are governed by committee. They have a different tone, a more snippy and confrontational vibe. So, I'll ask again, who is writing them? Two ways you can answer:

      1. You can say specifically who.


      2. You can say you don't know.

      But please don't lie and say the individual responses made by "Morecaucusnyc" are vetted by a committee, they clearly are not.

  4. jeez. Can you read your own writing? "who is actually posting on MORE's site under the moniker "Morecaucusnyc"? As i said - all posts are vetted. Did you specify comments? Many people have access to the more log in so could be anyone. I assumed that comments should not come from that source but from individuals. Policy is not clear. Glad you brought it up. See, even Unity people can contribute. Maybe you want to be the official MORE commenter. Send your name and email and you too can comment under MORECuaucusNYC.


Comments are welcome. Irrelevant and abusive comments will be deleted, as will all commercial links. Comment moderation is on, so if your comment does not appear it is because I have not been at my computer (I do not do cell phone moderating). Or because your comment is irrelevant or idiotic.