Ed Notes Extended

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

NEW Caucus Shakes the Union Election Tree in Newark

Teachers react to Randi brokered contract by election by handing union reform NEW Caucus 18 of 29 Exec Bd seats but losing the presidency by only 9 votes. Holy Cow!

There are growing signs that in cities across the land, rank and file social movement oriented caucuses are a-rising.

NEW Caucus Members and Supporters:

As most of you have probably heard, the results of today's election were mixed. 

ONLY 1,220 NTU members cast ballots.  

Joseph Del Grosso maintained the Presidency of the NTU by a vote of 589 to 580.
Michael Dixon won the Secretary Treasurer position by a vote of 644 to 544.

The major change is that for the first time in at least 16 years there has been a major shift in the  makeup of the Executive Board, the NTU governing body. 

NEW Vision candidates won 18 of the 29 seats on the Executive Board.  For the next 2 years these new Executive Board members will work to be activist leaders to help reenergize, revitalize, reorient and rebuild the NTU for the challenges we face.  

The new Executive Board members from NEW Vision slate are:

-  Kevin Arroyo 
-  Akili Buchanan 
-  Sherill Cantrell-Brown
-  Michael Cutler 
-  Victor Fernandes
-  Nancy Gianni
-  Lisa Gray
-  Delores Gresham
-  Alicia Malave-Diaz
-  Al Moussab
-  Pablo Olivera
-  Yari Peres
-  Tariq Raheem
-  Carlos A. Rodriguez
-  Andrew Saperstein
-  Keith Starks
-  Bettie Williams
-  Thomas Wolverton

COME TOGETHER this Friday, June 28th, to witness the swearing in.

3:45, NTU Headquarters, 1019 Broad Street.


  1. Idiot teachers voted for that contract. Did they now wake up??? I think they should call for a recount. I am sure there are 10 teachers who could have voted but were too apathetic. At least the opposition can claim a victory!!!

  2. That kind of close election deserves a recount.

    9 votes is officially too close to call.


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