Ed Notes Extended

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Last Day: Teachers Party All Over the City

I party with Christine Rubino and crew at Clementes in Sheepshead Bay.

One thing I miss about teaching: the absolute joy of the afternoon of the last day. The feeling of floating, the incredible lightness of being off for 65 days with no responsibilities or anxieties about school.

But then you wake up the next day and think: damn, only 64 to go.

Christine was celebrating her recent court win over the Tweedle dees and even though she is still not back on payroll after her 2 year suspension was up June 14 because the DOE keeps trying to appeal, she invited all her supporters to join her in a victory celebration. I'm paraphrasing here but she said: "I lost 2 years pay but the rewards in meeting so many wonderful people have almost made up for it. I've learned so much from everyone."

I had some time to drop by for a while and seeing the scene of joyous teachers free from the oppression for a while reminded me of the difference from the last day happy hours I attended when I was working. We were truly unburdened. Teachers today are carrying so much on their shoulders I never really goes away.

Good luck and a great well deserved summer to all. Just don't take my favorite parking spots that are so free while you guys have been slaving away.

1 comment:

  1. That's a victory? To be back on the payroll of the NYCDE and to be constantly harassed because you now have a target on your back.

    They have made teaching a job for a robot factory worker.


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