Ed Notes Extended

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Will the UFT Endorse Real Reformer Leticia James for Public Advocate in Runoff Against Well-Funded Squadron?

@PSulliv @TishJames I really don't understand @UFT staying out of this one. Their support could def be the difference maker.
Seriously though... @TishJames has been one of the strongest advocates for public education on the council for years.
Hey @UFT can you add an endorsement of @TishJames to the DA agenda tomorrow? I honestly have no idea why you never endorsed her..
Julie Cavanagh: Two words: mayoral control
    1. . Squadron was lead sponsor of renewal of mayoral control in Senate. Bloomberg needed a Dem. He took $.
    2. certainly not the type you want to be your "advocate" against special interests.
  1. . Squadron was lead sponsor of renewal of mayoral control in Senate. Bloomberg needed a Dem. He took $.
  2. as you saw firsthand actually stood up publicly against the privatization movement on my occasions.

    1. Her opponent has been a strong proponent of mayoral control and charter school expansion

If you haven't seen James' speech challenging ed deform at a PEP, check it out.

Squadron, as one of our parent activists reported is pretty bad:

  • Schumer boy
  • Madoff money won and lost
  • Married to a Bloomberg gov administrator
  • Takes charter $$
  • DFER$$
  • Tisch $$
  • etc.


  1. TeachmyclassMrMayor(andyoutooMrMulgrew)Wednesday, September 18, 2013 at 4:27:00 AM EDT

    Pretty sure that your last section is why UFT has remained silent (sounds like all of the usual Mulgrew suspects). Mulgrew knows what we believe and need better than we do...his record over the last fifteen years prove that. The real question is why do we have the nerve to question such brilliant leadership?

    Too snarky?

  2. Let's put the praise for James in perspective. She often can speak stongly and movingly. But she has not always been responsive to CB 3 residents. She "stated she does not oppose charter schools, but the co-location process is flawed, as the decision is predetermined and not democratic." (Dec. 7, 2013- Hearing for Success Academy Charter School – Brooklyn 5.) She told residents at a public meeting that she was responsible for housing Achievment First Charter at a D14 public school located in CB 3 for four years. She may be "better" than Squadron, but "Tish" is for Tish. I may have to hold my nose and vote for her. But she is far from exemplary on education. Don't expect too much.


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