Ed Notes Extended

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

IN TWO DAYS! "Don't Tread on Educators" Open Forum Nov. 14

In the midst of his endless and fascinating 3020a hearing
Jordana gets ready for afternoon nap
(another session tomorrow and I believe Friday) Portelos doesn't stop fighting - for everyone. Which is what makes him so dangerous to Tweed legal, which had 3 lawyers the other day while they called two witnesses. Total time of hearing: 10:30- 2PM. We were eating lunch by 2:30 -- 
Note to doe legal's Jordana Shenkman - apparently an avid reader of this blog - hope you had a nice afternoon off.

Add hearing officer and transcriber salary and you get an idea of what it is costing to try to get Portelos fired. One of the first acts in clearing out Tweed is to get rid of the entire legal department and get people who really want to root out people not fit for teaching instead of going on enormously expensive with hunts.

I'm rethinking my agreement not to publish details of the daily hearings. I think that is in essence a blackout and helps DOE Legal. Can't wait for Jordanna to start screaming about that. Tsk, tsk.

The hearing officer said she can only recommend we don't write about it since it is a public hearing. The other day a network curriculum person testified and it was clear that rather being there to support the teacher this was a case of being manipulated by the principal to get the teacher.

Here is Francesco's DTOE announcement for Thursday night's meeting.
Workplace Bullying in our schools? Not on my watch. This bullying comes in different forms. From colleagues, administrators, district, state and federal mandates etc. 

Your well-being is important to your students, your family and your friends. Come find out how to both cope and protect yourself.

Join the email support group by emailing a blank message to DTOE+ subscribe@googlegroups.com

Link to flyer enclosed within page.
Bloggers please share on your sites.

Francesco Portelos
IS 49 UFT Chapter Leader
"In the end, we will not remember the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." -Martin Luther King Jr.

1 comment:

  1. It is kind of on the far end for me.. but considering on going since I have been harassed by a former creep of a principal..


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