Ed Notes Extended

Thursday, August 7, 2014

#AFT14 Convention Video - Common Core Debate - Mulgrew is Going to Punch Someone in the Face

Has anyone speaking against the common core said they don't WANT standards? .... Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater? The baby is in the bath water... Pia Payne-Shannon, Minneapolis Teacher opposing common core in rousing speech at AFT convention
I extracted a 12 minute sliver from over an hour debate including the Mike Mulgrew "punch you in the face" line. Followed by Leroy Barr and new NYSUT President Karen Magee (see Randi's face as she qvells at her coup) - I didn't include all of Magee's - yada, yada, yada. I put in 2 speeches of a Chicago teacher and a rousing rebuttal from a Minneapolis teacher.

It was union leadership pushing common core vs classroom teachers opposing. I still have a load of great speeches, mostly from Chicago, which I'll put up tomorrow.


  1. Mulgrew can't punch anybody until he takes Andrew Cuomo's penis out of his mouth.

  2. Seems like Mulgrew was channeling Charlton Heston there. And, Common Core will have to pried from his cold dead hands.


  3. That's pretty disturbing. Also pretty incoherent. Exactly what is Mr. Mulgrew talking about?

    1. His intent here was to rally his side of the resolution. Thus the revivalist type of speech. No need for rational logical thought in his remarks.

    2. And he thought they wouldn't win this with 800 Unity voting as one and all their allies? Randi won with 97% of the vote. He wanted to counter the Chicago people who wrote about how the day before they were pushed off the mics. I have another speech from him that night where he took the same tone.

    3. As I told Dr. Ravitch, Saddam Hussein won his "elections" with 100%. Randi is only 3% behind him. What the hell does that tell you?

    4. I would also like to buy a couple hits of whatever he took. That was some hallucinatory rambling. Teachers unpacking, got rid of Pearson, punch you in the face, take away our standards, a spaceship full of martians? Really dude?

    5. I have no idea. He's probably one of the Martians (lol).

    6. I heard both Michael Mulgrew and Leroy Barr speak. I don't understand why both of them had to speak, singing the same melody like pulpit boys. It shows how much the UFT leadership is totally out-of-touch with their own membership in New York City. When we face such dogged support for the Common Core, it's time to "Follow the money" for 'Who Pays the Piper Plays the Tune'. Let's call the question, "How much did the UFT bigwigs get to promote Common Core?"

  4. This is disgusting. Mulgrew sold us out back when Unity agreed to changes in the evaluations with Race to the Top. Now he is out in the open proclaiming his approval of BS standardized testing? Fuck him and fuck Unity. In 20 years of teaching I have never been more ashamed of my once great union.

  5. I want to add. Count me as against standards. Period. I wrote a book explaining why: One Size Fits Few: The Folly of Educational Standards.
    It shows that as soon as you meet up with a classroom full of real kids, Standards are just hot air.

  6. Sounds like Mulgrew needs a little reminder that regardless of what he thinks, ultimately the children belong to the parents not the school system. He seems to forget the school system itself belongs to voting parents and taxpayers.

    Most of those voting parents and taxpayers like and respect teachers.. But it won't take many outbursts like the one Mulgrew had on the video to change that. If Mulgrew had done his homework he'd realize that Common Core is losing Parental support every day, but more importantly he'd be paying attention to the demographics.

    The strongest Anti Common Core sentiment comes from parents have done their own research and have the intelligence and education to understand what's going on.. These are also the parents best able to home school or afford private schools, which is what a lot of them will do unless Common Core is stopped. This will mean the schools could lose 10 to 20% or more of their higher performing students.

    That should work well for privatizers like Jeb Bush, who like to compare United States public school test results to the rest of the world

  7. Mulgrew sounded more like a revivalist preacher than a rational thinking teacher.

  8. Strong agreement with the teacher from MN, what all the deformers/privatizers/politicians supporting CCSS want us to forget is that testing should be used to find those places where additional support is needed and then GIVE THE SUPPORT! Testing is supposed to measure growth, putting up a high standard is great (no argument there on setting high standards), HOWEVER it is setting up a child for failure if that child started 6th grade reading at a 3rd grade level then improved to a 5th grade level (that's a GROWTH of TWO grade levels, folks!) but is still labeled as "below basic" because they didn't attain the demanded 6th grade (three grade levels growth) level of proficiency. Was my example extreme? Maybe. Was my example impossible? Depends on the student, teacher, parents, learning environment - we've all seen or experienced times where that light went on and suddenly what we thought we couldn't do became much easier. Is making THE set standard that was determined by non-educators the sole basis of deciding if my students are failing (instead of basing that decision upon their real progress compared to where they were at the beginning of the year) unfair and completely counterproductive?? ABSOLUTELY!!

  9. This is pretty much how he treats the UFT staff on a daily basis.- he had a bloodbath in his own union when four members of the Communication Department (including Randi's former press secretary who worked there for 20 years and two long time writers for the NY Teacher ) were told that they had to accept a paltry severance package or face a 20 percent pay cut! (they were all over the age of 60). He is a tough guy fake bully- but would never talk that way to Bloomberg- who, after all, promised him and Randi two, four percent raises if the union dumped its good friend and ally Bill Thompson in 2009. UFT members are still spending that money. Like all bullies, he quivers before the DOE bosses who abuse teachers every day. He is the serial abuser of his own staff.
    the guy claims to have a Master's degree in English! which is why he says the city wants "less" teachers instead of 'fewer."

  10. Here's another clip of Mulgarten where he shows off his facility with languages

    I want to see him punch someone in the face and push them in the dirt. What a jackass.

  11. At 8:15, that's Jesse Sharkey's crazy-face. His students knew better than to get that look. She don't tho.


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