Ed Notes Extended

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Ms Moskowitz doesn't care about these children if so the would help the ones that really need help

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Success Charter Attempt to eliminate its at-risk a...":
Yes those success academy school are shameless using the children to get what they want and they don't even care. The have a so called strict policy on behavior, not taking into consideration that mostly all of the children come from public schools that they so much despise. Their suspension rate is also higher,they kick kids out that they cant deal with or don't want to deal with throwing them back into the same situation the claim the want to help correct. These charter schools should have to pay rent for using space in public schools for that matter they get enough private funding Why don't they just build their own schools. They are taking space away from children that don't get accepted or the ones they throw out anyway. Ms Moskowitz doesn't care about these children if so the would help the ones that really need help. I shouldn't really be surprised because the majority of the staff, teachers aren't really teachers meaning they have no background in education which makes a huge difference. Its all about the money with these people at the expense of the children. Charter schools like this need and should be stopped....

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