Ed Notes Extended

Monday, September 22, 2014

I Didn't March Anymore on Climate But Did Pick up and Plant a Fig Tree

I really was going to go to the climate march even though I wrote- Another March and Why I Ain't Marchin' Anymore - U...

I did include the caveat that I would march if I could get a beer at a bar afterwards. And lo and behold I received an offer from 2 lovely young ladies that if I marched they would buy me a beer. So I was in. Until my wife reminded me I was scheduled to pick up a fig tree at 10AM in the Rockaway tree give-away program. (The lovely young ladies buying me a beer had nothing to do with her reminder.)

I was told the trees would be 4-8 ft and possibly up to 40 pounds, so STRONG MAN needed - my wife claimed. But it was just a little guy. Can you see it by the fence? Even has a little fig growing- which the bastard squirrel will probably get before I do as it has been doing to the fig tree in front of my house.

The program is run by people active in the climate change movement and the lady told us we were fighting climate change by planting a tree - and that we should do so when we got it home as it had been in the pot for a long time. And so I did -- and also mowed the lawn.

I'm wearing my SOS Washington 2011 tee
Luckily I received this photo from a 1st grade teacher who went to the march with her class and their parents. Don't tell people in certain teacher only groups that have banned the word "children". A teacher with her kids on a Sunday? And no per session pay?  Horrors.

1 comment:

  1. What if 310,000 people planted a fig tree on the same day instead of marching? More of an impact? Less?


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