Ed Notes Extended

Monday, December 1, 2014

Gabrielle Horowitz-Prisco - TEDx talk - "On Canaries, Love and Justice" - Thurs. Dec. 4

I will make the case for a justice system rooted in love, not punishment....I will explore the ways in which children serve as an early warning system for societal dysfunction, and how criminalizing them endangers us all.... I am so excited to have the chance to be the vehicle for a message about how criminalizing kids fails us all, and about what we can do instead.... Gabrielle Horowitz-Prisco
I know Gabby since she was 10 days old so hell yes I am a proud grandfriend (and miss her parents so much.) Here is the full text of her message.
Dearest family and friends,

This Thursday 12/4 at 10:50a I will be giving a TEDx talk entitled "On Canaries, Love and Justice" at TEDx Albany:


I will explore the ways in which children serve as an early warning system for societal dysfunction, and how criminalizing them endangers us all. Weaving together my personal experience as an attorney and advocate for children, my own experience of loss, and the research on what works, I will make the case for a justice system rooted in love, not punishment.

If you are receiving this, it is because you are someone who has helped me with all the living that is going into this talk.
I am so excited to have the chance to be the vehicle for a message about how criminalizing kids fails us all, and about what we can do instead.

Part of how TED talks have reach is that they are shared between people formally and informally. Here are some things you can do to spread the message:

1- Please consider watching on the livestream on 12/4 at 10:50a: http://tedxalbany.org/ 

If you miss it, a video will be up on the TED site sometime afterward- please visit and "like" and "share" and all that good stuff.

2- Please consider sharing the link http://tedxalbany.org/talks/2014-talks/gabrielle-horowitz-prisco/ on Facebook, Twitter, and whatever forms of social media.
3- Please consider letting people know who you think might be interested.
Thank you for your love and support and especially for any good energies you can send my way.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing!! What a wonderful topic and idea!! Children as our early warning system -- wish we could pay attention!!


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