Ed Notes Extended

Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Hottest Love Scene in Film History - UPDATED

I'm a sucker for "It's a Wonderful Life" - I watch it every year with all the commercials. Watching it right now. (And I watch Casablanca every time. And the Magnificent 7. Do I have a weird combination of tastes or what?)


It's A Wonderful Life
~ ActAlong ~

Every year, Metropolitan invites its friends and supporters to a reading of Frank Capra's sentimental favorite,
It's A Wonderful Life. With sound and costume and holiday fare, it is our favorite way to ring in the season.

Better yet, you do the reading! Everyone who comes is welcome to draw lots for a part, and away we go.
George! Mary! Burt! Ernie! Mr. Potter! Clarence! YOU!
(Of course, you are welcome just to watch.)

When: Sunday, December 21st, 2014
  2:30  Holiday Cheer
  3:00 Parts Chosen and Reading Begins
Where: Metropolitan Playhouse
220A East 4th Street

This scene was considered so hot for 1946 they had to cut some of it out. The art of movie-making - not one piece of clothing was shed.

Of course, some clothing was shed in this scene.

Uncle Billy just lost the money - the heavy action is about to begin.


  1. Those are three fantastic movies. Casablanca is my all-time favorite. The Le Marseillaise scene gives me chills every time - and I'm no sucker for patriotism or flag waving. But when Paul Henreid leads the band through the French national anthem to cut off the Germans from singing theirs...makes me want to enlist right then and there. I'm a sucker for Wonderful Life too. It's such a dark movie - betrayal, depression, suicide, bankruptcy, poverty. Capra gets pigeonholed for making corny movies, but underneath that corn is something very, very serious. Great movie.

    My favorite movie, besides Casablanca, is The Caine Mutiny. I can watch that over and over. These days, work feels a little like the USS Caine, complete with Captain Queeg, so I haven't watched it in a while because I'm sort of living it. But that's a great Bogart movie as well. Great cast too - especially Fred MacMurray as the villain.

    1. Casablanca is also so political and leftish - the assumption is that Rick fought against Franco in the Spanish Civil War. The idea of the resistance and Vichy - our model for the UFT collaborators. Couldn't Louie be Mulgrew? I haven't seen The Caine Mutiny for a long time. Queeg is the perfect model for NYC principals. Some people view Wonderful Life as a religious movie but it is really a great progressive movie on the economics of rich and poor - Potter is the model for hedge fund people. Or Trump. George is a sucker - doesn't care about profit - helps build the middle class. Who wouldn't take George over Obama for president?


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