Ed Notes Extended

Friday, January 23, 2015


[Farina] used the word ‘accountable’ 14 times in her remarks, and the word ‘accountability’ seven times. ...in language that echoed statements from the pro-charter groups that often antagonize her, ‘the status quo is simply unacceptable - ‘the status quo is simply unacceptable.’--- Union leaders [Logan and Mulgrew] praised the overhaul..... Capital NY
The UFT's "pal" and "partner" -- leaving them in the dust.
No matter what the real reform noise coming out of Tweed, principals are still playing what looks to me a quota game to prove Cuomo wrong -- if 60% of the kids are below level than 60% of the teachers in your school must be ineffective.

I'm for getting rid of networks on the whole -- but handing power to the Superintendents knowing some of the people Farina recently appointed doesn't give me much hope -- the horrendous and vicious former principal of my school for 5 years is one of them.
“Announcing the reversal of the existing network system of school support, a signature Bloomberg-era education initiative, chancellor Carmen Fariña on Thursday delivered an address that sounded starkly reminiscent of her predecessors. Speaking to a crowd of education and business leaders at an Association for A Better New York breakfast, Fariña said her new organizational system would hold schools more accountable, a favorite word of the Bloomberg administration.

“‘We need a system with clear lines of authority and accountability,’ she said. (She used the word ‘accountable’ 14 times in her remarks, and the word ‘accountability’ seven times.) Fariña also painted a far less rosy picture of the current state of the Department of Education than she typically does, saying, in language that echoed statements from the pro-charter groups that often antagonize her, ‘the status quo is simply unacceptable.’” 

—More details on the school support overhaul: “Fariña’s proposal to, in her words, ‘fix the system,’ is to re-organize the way schools are supported by replacing the 55 networks created under former chancellor Joel Klein with seven geographically based ‘borough field support centers.’ Employees of the networks will likely work in the support centers, an education official said. The centers will be located in all five boroughs, with two centers each in Brooklyn and Queens, and will serve as hubs of operational and instructional support. Superintendents will refer principals to the centers for specific needs. Superintendents will be at the core of the new structure.” http://bit.ly/1CmHR3g


  1. So the network leeches still get to keep their cushy little jobs, just in a new office in a new building. No chance of being subject to any of the "reforms" that they are supposed to "support" even though they have never had to actually teach under those conditions.

    Are we surprised?

  2. If network employees move to support centers, it is a distinction without a difference.

  3. If only our union leaders would throw down the gauntlet..... challenge the educrats to walk the walk. Mock them. bait them. Call them out----teach for 2 weeks demonstrating Danielson's idea of highly effective common core lessons in a classroom that represents what many of us face--ELLs, SWDs, 32 kids in a class in a high poverty neighborhood and we'll pay you 2 weeks of a teacher's salary. I issued the challenge to Arne Duncan and John King. I put my money where my mouth is. I'm ready to hand over my 2 weeks net pay if I get to pick the class and we can videotape the 2 weeks in the classroom and every second of their preparation is documented, and they rate highly effective in every category by which we are rated. If the standards by which we are judged are reasonable, then why not accept the challenge? Send me the best teacher you can find Mr Duncan, Mr. Cuomo, et al and prove your're not talking out of your behinds. John King has a teaching license, doesn't he? But John King is a phony who can't teach his way out of a paper bag. Anyone else willing to put their money up? Maybe we could extend the challenge beyond 2 weeks. Roseanne McCosh --ready to hand over a paycheck to shut these blowhards up


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