Ed Notes Extended

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Today: Defend PS 157K Against Charter Co-loco at Public Hearing

No co-loco at PS 157 - I'm heading over now
Oh, the evil complications in this story. Beginnings With Children almost closed down recently because the Board said it couldn't stay open because they were saddled with a union contract. Now they want to co-locate at PS 157, where a MORE, Pat Dobosz, teaches.

BWC is one of about 20 -- sorry - 19 - UFT contract based charters. BWC used to be a public school and so the UFT was grandfathered in -- so don't count this as a school they actually organized. But special rep Jackie Bennett is on their board and they are being advised behind the scenes on how to "win" over the public for the co-loco. The union is in a quandary -- the yin-yang of trying to
support PS 157 and BWC -- reminds me of the conversation this guy keep having with himself in Lord of The Rings.

I'm heading over there with camera in hand later this afternoon/evening -- the school is in Williamsburg.

850 Kent Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11205

Here is Pat's email urging people to come out and support PS 157.
The Proposed Re-siting and Co-location of Beginning with Children Charter School (84K703) Grades K-5 with P.S./I.S. 157 The Benjamin Franklin Health and Science Academy (14K157) in Building K157 Beginning in the 2015-2016 School Year

Attention NYC teachers. PS 157 needs your help.

We are wondering why this co-location is even being considered when the recommendations to the Blue Book have not been addressed by the DOE as yet.

PS 157 had a co-location many years ago which caused problems and we didn't have our JHS at that time. We have a large number of special needs children in the school from Pre-K to 8th grade. We also have a high English Language Learner population. Our small classes help us educate our students with the special attention they need to learn. With this co-location we will not be able to grow as a school community. Our JHS student population was limited because of the adult ed program. Now that they will be leaving, we have the opportunity to bring in more students who have requested our school. This won't happen with a co-location.

Please come to this hearing to show your support and to give your testimony. PS 157 is located at 850 Kent Avenue in Brooklyn.

1 comment:

  1. Hola mi nombre es miguel mendoza.
    La educación de nusetros hijos en este plantel es de mucha importancia, su desarrollo académico nos proporciona una confianza en su desarrollo. El sistema que opera el plantel, nos damos cuenta que nuestros hijos estan progresando en esta escuela.
    Interrumpir su desarrollo académico, puede ser que nuestros hijos pierdan el interés de seguir adelante; es decir que otro plantel dentro de la escuela [Beginning with Children Charter School (84K703)] con nuevos planes de trabajo, afectaría todo el sistema que opera el plantel:
    No queremos que nuestros hijos pierdan el interés de mejorar y de superarse.
    No queremos que nuestros hijos sean excluidos de las clases.
    No queremos que nuestros hijos se sientan incómodos, con la otra escuela.
    Además no queremos que cambien a los maestros(as) o que sean excluidos del plantel.
    Queremos que nuestros hijos crezcan en un ambiente donde ellos puedan expresarse con libertad, andar con libertad, jugar con libetad.
    Donde su mejor ayuda y confianza sean los que operan todo el plantel, para un mayor rendimiento académico a nuestros hijos.

    Queremos que nuestros hijos tengan la oportunidad de superarse y de crecer como una comunidad escolar. La reubicacion y co-ubicación de Beginning with Children Charter School, no queremos que interrumpa el aprendizaje de cada uno de nuestros hijos y afecte todo el plantel.

    Queremos que nuestros hijos vean su FUTURO y alcancen sus METAS.


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